Womens Ministry

Women's Ministry at Orchard Hill Church welcomes women of all ages and all walks of life. It's about encouraging women to understand the gospel, respond to the gospel and apply the gospel to every aspect of life. We desire for all women to know Jesus Christ, and we listen, laugh and learn how to follow Him together.

Study and Interest Groups

Study Groups are a group of people intentionally coming together to grow deeper in their understanding of God through study and connection with other people.

Interest Groups are a group of people coming together around a shared interest or passion with opportunity to connect with God and others.

JOY Groups

JOY is a small group of women who commit to meeting weekly for 2 years as they complete a curriculum together that is designed to draw each participant into deeper relationships with JESUS...OTHERS...and YOU (JOY). If you are interested in joining a JOY group, complete the interest form below.

Interest Groups

The purpose of this pairing of women is to cultivate friendship by meeting regularly and sharing life experiences and to enrich each woman's journey in following Jesus as they grow together in God's Word.

A Christian mentor is a woman who has life experience in following Jesus and who voluntarily agrees to guide a mentee in her desire to find and follow Jesus Christ.

Come join a group of women to pray and focus on who God is while we look at our concerns and carry each other’s burdens to the One who wants to carry them for us and who is more than able. No former Bible study or prayer experience necessary. We are coming to learn together.

Wednesdays on Zoom
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Moms and caregivers with their newborn-kindergarten-aged children are welcome to join this weekly Wednesday morning group. Through play and discussion, moms and their kids connect with others and celebrate special occasions.

Wednesdays, September 13 - May 30
9:30 - 11:00 am
Wexford, Gym
