Orchard Hill Church

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Preparing for Easter: Hope in Christ’s Resurrection & Return

Today’s Reading: Romans 8:11-25

As I read through Romans 8:11-25 today, I couldn’t help but see the current state of our world. The picture of our present reality couldn't have been painted more clearly. If you haven’t already, read Romans 8:11-25 before moving on.

In verses 11-17, Paul reminds any person, who has put their trust in Christ, of the hope that we now have because of His work on our behalf and the reality that the Spirit of God now lives inside of us.

I love how Romans 8:15 explains it: “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.” Now that’s worth re-stating! The Spirit that we’ve received from the Father does not make us slaves who live in fear, but people who can live with freedom, knowing that we have been adopted as sons of God!

So, what does all of that actually mean? It’s means that Christ's resurrection gives hope and new life to anyone who believes. The Spirit of God that now lives inside of us testifies that we are in fact God’s children! Whether male or female, anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ has been adopted into the family of the King of Kings and blessed with all the benefits that come with being a co-heir with Christ!

So, think about this: If we’ve been adopted to sonship, how should we live as children of the King? Fearful? Uncertain? Anxious?

No! Children of the King can live with confidence. Our Heavenly Father is with us and He will take care of us!

So, let me ask you: Do you live like a son/daughter of God, or do you often live like an orphan with no heavenly father to care for you?

Personally, there are times when I have a hard time living out my status as a child of God. There are times when I shift back to living like an orphan, in self-reliance and self-protection, because sonship feels too good to be true, even though that is the status I have been freely given through Christ and promised by God’s word. Sometimes, I think of the life I have been given in Christ as only a “future hope” of salvation rather than an invitation to enjoy abundant life in Him in the here and now, seeking to “get through life” independently even when I have the Spirit within me.

How about you? Do you sometimes live as if God’s promises of abundant life through sonship in Christ were intended for others, but not yourself? Does your hope in Christ give you encouragement for the future, but make little difference in the way you experience God in your daily life? How often we can fall into living like orphans instead of heirs of the King!

Click this sonship link for a quick self-check.

As it relates to our present situation, Paul’s words in Romans 8:18-25 offer us a great hope. Paul lays out very clearly our present reality. God's Creation has been marred by sin. Creation is groaning and subjected to frustration (verse 22). As we watch the news and see the state of the world, the present suffering in our world is clear. Even as believers, we too are eager for the day when our own sin and lack of faith in God no longer gets in our way of trusting Him completely!

Our hearts yearn for Good News and that’s exactly what Paul’s words here deliver:

God’s good creation will one day be liberated from bondage and brought into freedom and glory. Our current suffering is nothing to be compared with the future glory to be revealed when Christ returns and renews all things (verse 18)! What a day that will be...

As we await that day when our future hope will come to complete fulfillment, let’s remember – we can live with freedom and confidence as sons and daughters of God in the here and now! Let’s fix our eyes on Christ, trusting our Heavenly Father to give us what we need to enjoy abundant life in Him, through His Spirit inside of us both now and forever.