Orchard Hill Church

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Give Thanks in All Circumstances

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Give Thanks in all circumstances? Is that hard for anyone else? It’s a simple command and seems easy enough, but why is it so hard? It’s easy to sit around the table with friends or family when things are going well during the holiday season and be grateful for God’s blessings...but what about when the phone rings in the middle of the night... or someone you love gets those unwanted test results?

How is it that Paul commands us to "give thanks in all circumstances” and to “not be anxious about anything”? He then continues with, “but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

I don’t know about you, but gratitude doesn’t tend to be my first response to the hard things that come my way in life. I can’t say that I’ve been too thankful after the loss of a family member, losing a job, or when a friend gets a bad prognosis. On the contrary, when these things happen, I do plead to God, but everything except thankfulness seems present in the moment of trial—especially anxiety. So why give thanks in ALL circumstances? And why are we called to pray with thanksgiving?

I think it boils down to and linked to one simple thing.

In order to give thanks, we must first remember.

To remember. It’s an important command that was given to the Israelites in the Old Testament over and over and over again... because they, like us, tend to quickly forget. God miraculously walked them across the Red Sea on dry ground to flea Pharaoh’s army, provided shelter from the desert heat during the day with the Pillar of Cloud and warmth/light at night in the Pillar of Fire, guided them and gave direction, protected them, and provided food (manna and quail) and the list goes on. You’d think that after all the miracles they’d seen that they’d be a people of solid faith; they had after all visibly seen God in action... but no, they forgot. Rather than being a grateful, expectant, and hopeful community, we see the Israelites grumbling, complaining, and doubting God’s goodness.

When I look at the Israelites, at first, it’s easy to judge them and think, “How in the world did they doubt God when they literally saw Him at work repeatedly over hundreds of years? If I would have been there, I would have...”

But how often do we do the same?

As I reflect on my own life, I have personally seen God provide, heal, walk me through dark valleys, give peace that surpasses all understanding, and restore the most broken relationships... and yet I constantly forget His constant hand at work and instead turn to anxiety and doubt instead of Him. Ashamed, I’m reminded that I’m just like the Israelites, which is why Paul also reminds us to remember... and to give thanks.

“Give thanks in all circumstances. With thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Remember... all those times that God walked alongside you and was there with you in the thick of it. Remember... when God got you through what seemed to be the impossible. It is only when we remember that we can not only give thanks for what God has done in the past but give thanks for what He is currently doing and trust what He promises to continue to do in the future.

As we walk through seasons of life, whether it be a season of trial or blessing, my encouragement is to heed the words of Paul. Don't be anxious about anything but give thanks in everything, remembering God’s faithfulness as we present our requests to Him... knowing that His peace, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Because of Him, we can give thanks in all circumstances, remembering that no matter what comes He will be by our side.

Praise God for the hope that is in Christ Jesus. May the joy of Christ fill you this holiday season as you remember with thankfulness all that He’s done and continues to do.