What is a Discerning Heart?


I was seven years old when the movie Aladdin came out in 1992. I wanted so bad to find a special lamp that within it lived a magical “Genie” who would grant me three wishes of my choosing.

If I am honest, there is still a part of me today that would love to find this long-lost lamp and get to wish for things. 

I know that over the years my ideal or dream wishes have changed. When I was younger those wishes probably had something to do with endless gummy worms, not ever having a bedtime again, or owning the biggest TV in the world so I could play Sega Genesis on it. As I got older those wishes turned to sports related skills, no more homework for life, and probably getting some pretty girl to fall in love with me. Now I know the last one was a rule in the Aladdin movie that Genie could not grant, but this was real-life, so my genie would be different! 

I would assume that I am not alone in this fantasy, and if you are still reading this blog post than odds are you had, and still have, the same fantasy growing up. I also know that there is no evidence to suggest that these types of lamps or genies do exist, and if push came to shove, then magical genies get thrown in the same category as Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. 

I cannot remember exactly how old I was when I discovered my hopeful fantasy will never come true because it does not really exist.

Even though I know it will never happen, I still from time to time find myself having a little fun and try to figure out, if I found this lamp today, what would I wish for? 

All this talk of genies, magical lamps, and wishes has a point and it has to do with a story I came across while reading 1 Kings 3:1-15. In this story, God appears to King Solomon at night during a dream and says to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” I do not know the origin of genies or how the story line for Aladdin originated, but what we have here in this story is pretty much the same scenario taking place, only this time it is real and the so called “genie” is God! 

God gives Solomon this unbelievable, once in a lifetime, cannot believe it is actually happening, what we all secretly somehow hope would happen to us too, opportunity to ask God for anything and God promises to give it to him. Just think for a moment, all the things Solomon could have asked for right there on the spot. I wonder what you or I would ask for in that moment? How could you even make up your mind on what to ask for? At least with the genie in the Aladdin story you got three chances to get your big ask right, but here Solomon only has one chance to ask for one thing. 

If you have never heard this story before than you might be shocked, given all the possibilities, to find out what Solomon decides to ask for. If you have heard this story before, then you know that he decides to ask for discernment or wisdom. Solomon uses his “one wish” to ask God for a discerning heart so that, as king, he can make wise decisions that bring glory to God in all areas as he leads the people whom Solomon rules over as king. 

As soon as I read this part of the story I had to stop, ponder, pray, and ask God, “why?” Why, of all the possibilities, would Solomon choose to ask for discernment? I humbly had to admit to God, in that moment, that if you (God) showed up right now and gave me the same opportunity…I am not sure I am asking for discernment! But then after some more time and reflection while just sitting in the quiet presence of the Lord, I realized that asking for discernment is the wisest thing Solomon could have asked for and I would be a fool not to do the same. 

You see, I am always telling students that the relationship you choose to have or not have with Jesus Christ will impact every single relationship you will have for the rest of your life. I also tell them that the decision you make about Jesus Christ will impact every decision you make for the rest of your life. 

When I was sixteen years old, I decided to give my life to Christ after hearing the Gospel message for the first time and begin a relationship with Him. Over the years, as I have grown in my faith and just simply gotten older and more mature, I know that I want to glorify God in any and every way that I can as I live my life.

My faith should impact decisions in every area of my life whether that be as a husband, father, pastor, brother, son, friend, employee, coach, neighbor, or even waiting in line at the DMV! 

It was in that moment, as I was reading through 1 Kings that I stopped and prayed, “God, give me a discerning heart. A heart that worships you and desires to make decisions that bring you glory in every area of my life!” 

I was humbled in that moment of the many times I have made decisions without even thinking of how this would or would not reflect the glory of God. I was convicted of the times I know my heart was trying to discern for me, but my sinful desires outweighed my righteous desires. But at the same time, I was reminded of the grace and mercy of Christ’s death on the cross and what that means to me as a follower of Jesus. 

Never in a million wishes would I ever thought that 27 years after seeing Aladdin, that if I somehow did get the real-life chance to wish for just one thing, that I would find myself longing to wish for a discerning heart. A heart that is able to make wise decisions and that brings glory to God. My prayer today for you and for me is just that.

Russ Brasher

Russ joined the staff team in 2015 as the Director of Student Ministry and has recently transitioned to an Adult Ministry Director in 2021.

Prior to joining Orchard Hill, Russ worked for 6 years as an Area Director for Young Life on the eastern shore of Maryland. Russ received his undergraduate degree from the University of Toledo.

Russ and his wife, Lyndsay, live in McCandless with their four children, Peyton, Addison, Bennett and Avery.


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