Student Ministry

Connecting the realities of life and the truth of God’s amazing love.

Student Ministry is about helping students understand who they are by helping them first understand whose they are.
We do this in a variety of exciting ways throughout the year and hope that the foundation of their faith will be established.

College Student? Check out the Young Adults page!

Check out the Butler or Strip District pages for information on Student Ministry at those campuses.

Student Ministries

Middle School Merge

Sunday Mornings

Students in grades 6-8 gather on Sunday mornings for a church service designed for middle schoolers. Students connect with leaders to experience God through worship, a time of learning, and all-out fun with friends.

Sundays, 9:00 & 10:45 am
Wexford Campus, Loft/Lounge

High School Hang

Sunday Nights

Sunday nights is a time for High Schoolers to hang out and have some fun through engaging games, student-led worship, and relevant teaching. It's designed to be an easy invite for newcomers and long-time church-goers alike.

Sundays, September 8 - May 25
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Wexford Campus, Loft/Lounge

Student Small Groups

Wednesday Nights

Divided by grade and gender, these groups are led by adult volunteers who care for students and invest in their lives. Groups study the Bible and talk about how they can follow Jesus in their everyday lives.

Wednesdays, September 4 - April 30
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Wexford Campus, Loft/Lounge

Student Open Gym

Middle School

Middle School is taking over the gym on Wednesday nights before Small Groups! Come hang out, shoot some hoops, play games like Gaga ball, 9-square in the air, and more! It's a fun time to hang out with your friends and make new ones.

Wednesdays, September 11 - April 30
6:00-7:00 pm
Wexford, Gym

High School

High School is taking over the gym after our meetings on Sunday Nights! Come hang out, shoot some hoops, play games like Gaga ball, 9-square in the air, and more! It's a fun time to hang out with your friends and make new ones.

Sundays, January 5 - May 25
7:30-8:30 pm
Wexford, Gym

 Student Events

Want to Serve in Student Ministry?

Text 'STUDENT SERVE TEAM' with 'STUDENT' in large orange letters and 'SERVE TEAM' in smaller blue letters on a light blue background.

Student Serve Team

High Schoolers! Do you love Sunday Nights? Do you want to have a say in what goes on? This is your chance!

As a member of this team, this position requires commitment to the ministry and being involved. Fill out the application to learn more about the commitments and to be considered for this opportunity.

Grades 10th-12th only 

Student and Parent Communication

To stay connected and get helpful links/updates for activities during this time, be sure to take these two steps.

These will be the main forms of communication for Student Ministry.

Sign up for Updates

Emails are sent regarding upcoming events, cancellations, and reminders. You can also download the Church Center app to receive push notifications.

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