Kids Ministry
Helping children understand who God is and what it means to have a relationship with Him.
Kidzburgh is a safe place where kids discover how much they matter to God. Through Gospel-centered teaching, worship, relationships, and hands-on learning, kids will have fun finding their place in God's story! We partner with families in their mission to guide their kids to find and follow Jesus.
Check out the Butler or Strip District pages for information on Kids Ministry at those campuses.

Weekend Services
First time in Kidzburgh and want to get a head start on your child's check-in process? Plan to use the button below to "Pre-Register Your Child!” This will enable the Kidzburgh team to start a profile for your child and will streamline your check-in process when you arrive at the church. Thank you for considering this option!
This step is only necessary if this is your first time attending Kidzburgh, then your child will be registered in our system for the future!
Newborn & Toddlers
Children are divided into one of two rooms depending on their unique stage of development.
The nursery is a quiet place with dim-lighting and rockers for babies and younger children who are not yet steady on their feet. A safe zone for explorative toddlers and active two-year-olds includes a place for creative play.
Your inquisitive preschooler will begin to learn the basics of the Gospel: God made the world, there is brokenness in our heart, and Jesus is the only Savior.
We use a mixture of focused play, activities, teaching, song, and dance.
Kids spend time in large groups to learn through focused games, worship, and creative teaching and activities.
Kids spend time in small groups to get to know each other, discuss the Bible and apply it to their lives.
Want to Serve in Kids Ministry?
Fill out a volunteer application based on the campus you want to serve at.
KidsFest ‘25
For over 30 years, this unique summer day camp has provided one incredible week-long fun-fest packed with sports, water fun, live music, and more. Open to all kids entering first through sixth grade, campers will be a part of a small team with other kids of the same age and gender. Together, they will learn about the love of God in a fun and interactive way.
Make a difference in a camper's life this summer by serving at KidsFest '25! There are plenty of opportunities for middle school, high school, and college students as well as adults.
Baptism & Dedication
At Orchard Hill, we practice both baptism and dedication for children. Parents can choose, based on your own theological conviction, whether to have your child baptized or dedicated.
Baptism - Baptism for children is celebrated through sprinkling as a sign and seal of a Covenant Relationship.
Dedication - In Dedication, parents bring their children before the Lord as an act of worship and commitment – a time to publicly declare a desire to raise children in such a way that they come to a point of personal faith.
First Communion
First Communion is a celebration of a child’s first experience receiving communion as they remember Christ and His sacrifice for them. Any child in 2nd - 5th grade is invited to participate. The Pastoral and Kids' Ministry Staff will walk with you and your child through a preparatory season leading up to Communion Sunday.
The goal of this preparatory season is to help you and your child discern if your child is ready to participate in this special milestone of faith.
The Wexford First Communion Interest Meeting will be taking place on Sunday, March 16 from 12:00-12:30 pm in the Worship Center.
The Strip District First Communion Interest Meeting will be taking place on Sunday, March 16 from 10:00-10:30 am in the Balcony.
The Butler First Communion Interest Meeting will be taking place on Sunday, March 16 after each service in the Lower Room.
Kids Ministry Events
American Heritage Girls
Changing girls’ lives and leading them towards a more Christ-centered life.
American Heritage Girls (AHG) was founded by a group of parents wanting a faith-based, scout-type character development program for their daughters in 1995. The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. AHG girls across the nation and the globe participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.
Meetings are held twice per month at Orchard Hill Church.
For more information please contact the Troop Coordinator at ahgpa2551@gmail.com.