Giving at Orchard Hill Church

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

Because of your generous and faithful gifts, Orchard Hill can help people find and follow Jesus Christ in Wexford, Butler, the Strip District, Haiti, and beyond. Thank you for your commitment to partner in the ministry of Orchard Hill Church!

Ways to Give at Orchard Hill

A cartoon depiction of leaves and foliage forming a frame around a vertical space.

Mobile App

Download the Orchard Hill Church mobile app at the link below.

Silhouette of a person sitting on a chair using a laptop

Mail or In-Person

Mailing Address
Orchard Hill Church
2551 Brandt School Rd.
Wexford, PA 15090

Offering Boxes located at the back of the Worship Center during services.

Silhouette of human figures participating in a running event or marathon

Stock/Asset Transfer

Click below to learn more and fill out a form to indicate your interest in giving through a stock transfer.

Black circle in a black square background

Legacy Giving

Click below to learn more and fill out a form indicating your interest in this type of gift to Orchard Hill Church.

Create a Will for Free

Through our partnership with FreeWill, you can create your will for free and include a gift in your plans to sustain the ministry of Orchard Hill.

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