Our Story
Helping people find and follow Jesus Christ.
Orchard Hill is an inter-denominational Christian church, located in the Pittsburgh area, where everyone is welcome. Whether you are a follower of Jesus Christ or you are still considering if God has a place in your life, this is a community where you can explore faith and the reality of Jesus Christ.
We would love to get to know you! Click below to get connected at Orchard Hill.
Orchard Hill is a vibrant church community known for its relaxed atmosphere. Friends and families of all ages come together to engage in meaningful community experiences through ministries for adults, students, and kids. Weekend worship, groups, serving, and fun events are all places where you can connect with others in a way that is comfortable for you.
Grow in faith, develop friendships, and experience life change. This is a place to discover the Bible on your own level, at your own pace, and understand how it applies to your life. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you are welcome here!
Worship Services at Orchard Hill provide an opportunity to come together with others to explore faith and share a common experience of worship, teaching, and prayer. Services last about an hour, and offer a contemporary experience that includes special music and relevant videos.
All services feature a biblical message that speaks to both followers of Jesus Christ and those who are still exploring faith. It’s an opportunity to hear the truth of the Bible in a way that will capture your attention, touch your heart, and create a connection with God on a personal level.
Weekends at Orchard Hill are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.

In the 1980s, a handful of people responded to the many around them who were without a church home - the people who thought that God had no relevance in their world. The founders made a commitment to look at the church from a new perspective and wanted to connect people who had become disillusioned with the church to the truth of God's love.
As a result, these people chose to invest their lives in developing a contemporary biblical community in a modern-day world, a community that would be relevant in today's culture while teaching the timeless truths of the Bible. This community began with 54 founding members who built far more than a structure. They began a new kind of church. On May 6, 1989, over 400 people attended the opening of Orchard Hill Church.
Today, over 3,000 people call Orchard Hill their church home. A second location is open in the Strip District of downtown Pittsburgh and a third location is in Butler. Through ministries for adults, students, and kids, this is a place to discover the Bible on your own level and at your own pace. Through a commitment to community and groups, Orchard Hill is a place where you can connect with others in a way that is comfortable for you. No matter what you believe about God or what you think about church, you are welcome here.
The purpose of Orchard Hill Church remains the same - to present the message of Jesus Christ and His grace that brings about transformation from the inside out.
The Orchard Hill Commitment
As a community committed to being authentic followers of Jesus Christ, we agree to:
Show Up - Participate in worship as a community by regularly attending Weekend Worship.
Grow Up - Mature in our personal spiritual journey by participating in a Group.
Step Up - Offer ourselves to God by serving, inviting, and giving.