
Latest Message

March 22-23, 2025

Title: Sola Gratia #4 - Justified by Grace
Scripture: Romans 3:21-31

Sola Gratia is a Latin phrase that means "Grace Alone." The phrase became one of the pillars of the Reformations. Each week we will consider how embracing grace alone can be foundational in our lives.

Notes & Study Guide | Message Transcript

TV Broadcasts


A 30-minute broadcast of a weekend message.

Sundays: 8:30 am

Pittsburgh Faith & Family

A 60-minute broadcast of an entire weekend service.

Broadcast Channel, WPCB, Channel 40.2
Armstrong Cable, WPCB, Channels 95 & 413
Tuesdays: 6:00 am | Thursdays: 9:00 am | Sundays: 9:00 pm

Message Podcast