Preparing for Easter: Trust in the Lord


Today’s Reading: Psalm 121 

Psalm 121 starts with a question: “Where does my help come from?”

With this statement, the writer expresses a feeling that each and every person can identify within our own times of struggle.

“I lift up my eyes” - where can I find help?

As human beings, we tend to look to man and seek help from sources that we can see, or by what we can gain for ourselves. But Psalm 121 offers us a different perspective.

Immediately after asking, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?” the author shares a statement of his faith:

“My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

In our sin nature, each one of us tends to put our trust in ourselves. The author of this Psalm calls us instead to hope in the Lord.

This is not to say that seeking to make wise choices is unimportant. Followers of God are called to steward well all that we have been given - whether finances, gifts, time, or skills. Believers must think about how to manage all of those things wisely. However, every believer must also recognize that living by faith is about accepting that God’s provision and blessing in our lives comes apart from our human wisdom, or anything we’ve done to deserve it. Our Hope is God’s goodness and grace.

Psalm 121 goes on to express Gods' provision with some powerful examples:

“He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber...
The Lord watches over you—
the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.”

These descriptions remind me of someone going on a journey and let me tell you – LIFE is a journey!

We all go through seasons  (like the one in which I'm currently writing, where the Coronavirus has many people staying at home and struggling with fear and loss), but in all of the uncertainty, we also have an opportunity to find out in what have we placed our hope and trust. I believe that it’s in moments like these where we come to find that our true strength is found in acknowledging our weaknesses.

In verse 7, when the author writes, "He will keep you from all harm", I think it’s important for us to recognize the way the Lord views harm in our lives is very different from the perspective that comes naturally to you and I.

You and I tend to view harm as anything that causes us discomfort. However, in James 1, we read this word of encouragement: ".... Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance". (James 1:2-4)

God will provide for our every need. However, that does not mean that we won't have our struggles. My hope is that even in the midst of this difficult time, God will use this moment as a growth opportunity in our lives – to mature our character, strengthen our hope in Him, and grow within us a "peace that surpasses understanding" as we rest in Him, knowing that by grace God has met our ultimate need through Jesus’ work on the cross. Anyone who believes in Him has peace with God that no temporary struggle can ever take away.

As we remember that life-changing truth, I pray for you now as I write this in light of Romans 8:28: “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

May God use even this difficult moment in our lives to mature us and grow us in Him.

Let me encourage you: In this time of struggle and uncertainty - even as you feel some fear and anxiety - remember the grace of God that Jesus has given you freely and completely. Count it all joy, that your faith might develop perseverance and that your perseverance might grow your hope and draw you near to the Savior. May this “time of struggle” be transformed to a season of growth, hope, and peace in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Be blessed beautiful people!!

David Bowens

David Bowens became part of the staff in 2013 as a Worship Leader, primarily serving at Orchard Hill Church – Strip District. David plans the worship music and runs the Wednesday evening rehearsals, playing keyboard as needed.

Prior to coming to Orchard Hill, David was an Associate Worship Leader and keyboard player at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Shadyside for 4 years, serving as the main drummer prior to his role as a Worship Leader. David loves every opportunity to express his love for God and even more so when leading others in expressing their love of God during praise and worship. 

David and his wife, Tamika, have 5 children and live in Morningside.


Preparing for Easter: Worship


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