Relying on the One Who is Unchanging


Greetings in the name of the Lord, 

Well….it seems as though we are inching our way back from the Corona upset; or at least the calendar says so, but change is definitely ‘a comin’! 

The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus wrote, “The only constant we can be certain of is change”. 

But French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr countered, “The more things change, the more they remain the same” 

So which is it guys? 

One can almost envision Monsieur Karr waving his hand in sarcasm as he makes his proclamation. 

But in making his statement, Heraclitus stated what many of us have always known to be true... that there is very little around us in which we can be confident and secure with any level of certainty. Stock markets change, the value of a dollar changes as uncertainty prevails in different regions; the leaves change, even the mountains that appear so vast and unchanging are constantly eroding. And people change. Happiness is often fleeting, elusive; or both! And sorrow comes. 

Such realities drive us to seek stability in our lives. But because of sin, however, we tend to look for permanence in things that are also changing. Whether it is a relationship, a bank account or something else, we all too often seek stability in the realm of created things… but all things in creation are subject to change. 

To find true stability and constancy, we must look beyond the created order to the Creator, where in His Word we read, “the Lord God Almighty does not change” (Malachi 3:6) This should come as a great comfort in a world that undergoes constant change and uncertainty. 

The beloved apostle John begins his gospel differently than the other gospel writers. He does not begin with a Savior being born in humble state, but in a Savior that is the promise of the ages… the Ancient of Days, the one through whom all things were made. He is anchored in eternity. He is the only TRUE constant. Theologians refer to this inability to change as His immutability. Not only will He not change, He cannot change. The author of the book of Hebrews affirms this when he writes, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) 

The great seventeenth century Scottish Pastor, Samuel Rutherford, wrote, "Build not your nest on any tree of earth, seeing God has sold the forest to Death. But rather soar upwards to the sure and immutable refuge in the Clefts of the Rock." What a blessing that the Anchor of our soul now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding on our behalf. The cross on which He died provides even and stable ground for all of us sinners who change our minds and allegiances like the wind. We see unstable allegiances in politics; at our favorite sporting events; in the media… and sadly, we even see it in churches. But we will NEVER see it in our Great God and Savior. 

We live in a fallen world, and so it can be easy to become fearful as we are constantly barraged by a steady news diet of tragedy, wars, rumors of wars… and yes, even viruses! Change is ever present, and not every change is positive. 

If we trust in Christ, however, we have no need to fear. We are relying on the One who is incapable of changing and who will never allow His promises to fail. 

God spoke this promise to his covenant people in (Deuteronomy 7:9), “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations” 

As believers, we share in the covenant faithfulness of this same God, in whom all his promises are yes and Amen in His beloved Son, the one in whom we are securely and unchangeably held. 

When we are fearful, let us remember that God and His goodness to us are unchanging; thus, we are ever secure in Him. May His name be forever blessed as we march forward remembering these things in coming days of uncertainty.

George Palombo

George joined the Adult Ministry team in September 2018. Prior to Orchard Hill, he served as a Senior Pastor of a church in the Pittsburgh area. George also served for 30 years in law enforcement, and was nominated and awarded Pennsylvania Police Officer of the Year in 2001.

He is a graduate of Trinity School for Ministry and hold his MA in Church History/Theology.

George is married to Amanda and has been blessed with eight children, four of whom were adopted with special needs.


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