Tips for Personal Bible Study

Practicing a regular time of personal Bible study can be an incredibly rewarding activity. When we open God’s word, we give Him the opportunity to speak to us in a life-changing way as the Holy Spirit communicates God’s truth to our hearts and minds. 

There is a myriad of helpful approaches a person can take when approaching a time of personal Bible study. In this blog, I’d like to share a general framework and a few tips that I have found helpful personally in my own times of Bible study. 

First, some introductory thoughts:

Consistency is key: Are you new to Bible study? 10 or 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week is a great time-frame to aim for. 

Find a time of day that consistently works for you. (First thing in the morning works best for me.) Eliminate as many distractions as possible. If you miss a day, just get back on the horse next time! 

Read for quality, not quantity: The goal of Bible study is not to simply complete a reading, but to encounter God in His word and be transformed by the word in heart and mind. Reading one or two chapters a day will give you plenty to process, with that goal in mind. 

Choosing what to read: Some people like to read from different sections of the Bible each day while others prefer to stay in one book until they have read it to completion. Experiment and find what works best for you.  Personally, I prefer to stay in the same area of the Bible for a few weeks and then change areas once or twice a month to keep things fresh. 

A few tips for your time of reading:

Open with Prayer - Ask God to open your heart and direct your attention to how He desires to speak to you. 

Read the passage, then reflect on the following three questions, in order: 

1. What does the passage say? 

Observe what the text says. Don’t try and decide what is important yet. Just read the text and take everything as important. 

2. What did this passage mean to the original audience? 

Answering this question is the process of interpretation.  Consider context questions - who, what, where, when, and why – to find out what is significant in what the author is saying to the original readers. 

3.  What does this passage mean for our lives today? 

This question leads us to application. Once you have considered what the text meant to the original readers, think about what it means for you as a follower of Christ today. 

Takeaways: Write down a point or two to help you remember what you read. I have found it helpful to share a verse that stuck out to me or a key point of application with a friend or two via text message as a way of keeping accountability. This has also been a meaningful way to build our friendship and support one another in faith. 

Conclude with prayer: Ask God to help you apply what you have read to your life. 

Finally, a few recommended resources: 

Reading from a Study Bible is a terrific way to gain background information and commentary from Bible scholars that will enrich your time of reading. I recommend the Zondervan NIV Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible. 

If you would benefit from further clarification on a certain passage, check out a Bible Commentary. The Bible Speaks Today series and God’s Word For You series are my favorites for gospel-centered perspective. The Intervarsity Press Commentary and NIV Application Commentary series are two other excellent options. 

Looking for a Bible Reading Plan? The YouVersion Bible App (produced by Life Church, where Craig Groeschel is the Pastor) is an excellent resource. There are a variety of free Bible studies on the App for people at all stages in their journey of faith. You can set up the plans to read with a friend and so you can keep one another updated on your progress. Last, the Gospel Coalition resource section also offers many excellent articles and messages on all parts of scripture. 

Regular study of God’s word has been an incredibly rewarding daily practice for living by faith in Christ in my own life. I hope and pray that you encounter God through your own time in His word in a way that brings transformation to your life in light of His grace!

Josiah Leuenberger

Josiah joined Orchard Hill's Adult Ministry Team in the Spring of 2018 as Director of Young Adult Ministries and has recently moved to lead the Strip District campus in 2021. Prior to coming to Orchard Hill, Josiah served as Director of University Ministries at Evangelical Community Church in Bloomington, Indiana from 2012 to 2018. 

Josiah is a Graduate of Grove City College, where he met his wife, Brittany, competing on the Track and Field team together. Josiah and Brittany were married in 2009, and then lived in Tennessee where Josiah coached Track and Field and Cross Country at East Tennessee State University and Milligan College from 2009 to 2012. 

Josiah and Brittany enjoy spending time with family and friends in the Pittsburgh area, participating in endurance sports, and are dedicated to finding out which coffee shops in Pittsburgh make the best cookies. 

Josiah completed his Master of Art's in Christian Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 2020.


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