Dealing with Doubt in Your Faith

I was recently asked the question, “When your Christian faith is threatened by serious and painful doubts, what do you do about it?” At first, I wanted to simply give some Christian cliché answer that I knew would properly answer the question (not that sometimes cliché does not have purpose and meaning) but this question forced me to pause and think. But after spending some time, I came up with my answer, at least in that moment. What follows is my answer, but I would be interested in hearing what your answer would be.

I have never been much of a traveler. My family did not have a lot of money growing up, so we did not do a ton of traveling. After college, I went into ministry, so again, not much money left over to do much traveling! I am not sure, but I think because of this, going on missions or mission trips was never something my heart desired. Not that I was ever “anti-mission trip,” I just never felt my heart drawn toward or even had the opportunity presented to me since I did not grow up in the church.

That was until I started working at Orchard Hill Church. Each year we take many trips to Haiti where we have helped set up a local church and as well as other outreach ministries in the community. I have had a chance now to go several times over the years and because of my experiences there, my answer to this question is I think of those I met in Haiti, who in their hearts, know Jesus in ways I wish I could.

God has used these trips to soften my heart for humanity, but at the same time strengthen it for when I feel threatened or have my doubts.

You cannot fake the joy I see in the eyes of some of the people I have met in Haiti.

Their joy certainly does not come from their surroundings, but from inside their hearts, for they know Jesus! The things I sometimes find myself thinking... And in doing so, I grow fearful, worried, doubtful, and threatened. These things do not even come close to comparing to what the average person goes through daily in Haiti, but their hearts are still filled with a hope that I also want to feel.

They have shown me that despite whatever is happening, we can pray to God and ask, that through whatever it is we are going through, God would somehow be glorified through it. This reminds me of Paul, who wrote the book of Ephesians while still imprisoned in Rome. His words or prayers found in this book were not his prayers to get him out or help him. His words were that God be glorified and his readers be encouraged by knowing just how good God is!

This is what I do when I feel like my Christian faith is threatened by serious or painful doubts…I think of the beautiful people I have met in Haiti, because they remind me of the hope found only in the name of Jesus! Perhaps you have never had a chance to go on a mission trip. Or perhaps the mission trip you were able to go on did not have a lasting impact like mine. That is completely understandable. But 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...”

So, what is your own personal answer to this question? Where do you find strength, hope, and assurance when your faith is threatened or doubt creeps in? What scripture, experiences, or moments has God placed in your life to remind you and keep you faithful? Answering this question has been a reminder to me just how faithful, steadfast, and sovereign God is and continues to be to those whom he loves.

Russ Brasher

Russ joined the staff team in 2015 as the Director of Student Ministry and has recently transitioned to an Adult Ministry Director in 2021.

Prior to joining Orchard Hill, Russ worked for 6 years as an Area Director for Young Life on the eastern shore of Maryland. Russ received his undergraduate degree from the University of Toledo.

Russ and his wife, Lyndsay, live in McCandless with their four children, Peyton, Addison, Bennett and Avery.


Upside Down Living #9 - Substitution in a Time of Self Effort


Upside Down Living #8 - Impact in a Time of Self-Focus