Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

Trail Pittsburgh to Trail Jesus
Christian Living Joy Hanson Christian Living Joy Hanson

Trail Pittsburgh to Trail Jesus

My husband and I were walking on a local trail when we came upon a steel plate etched with the words “Trail Pittsburgh”. Somehow that scuffed steel plate sparked deeper thoughts about the bridges we’d crossed since moving here - how God brought us and where we are now on His path.

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Reasonable Faith #4 - Resurrection
Message Josiah Leuenberger Message Josiah Leuenberger

Reasonable Faith #4 - Resurrection

Orchard Hill Church Strip District Pastor Josiah Leuenberger concludes the Reasonable Faith series teaching from Acts 17. Josiah provides many instances for sound evidence for the resurrection of Christ following Christ's death on the cross.

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Reasonable Faith #3 - Judgement
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Reasonable Faith #3 - Judgement

Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Reasonable Faith teaching out of the book of Acts to discuss the good news in the truth of God's final judgement and Christ's atonement for our sin.

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Reasonable Faith #2 - Savior
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Reasonable Faith #2 - Savior

Senior Pastor Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series Reasonable Faith teaching out of the book of Acts to discuss the inclusivity and universal access people have to God through the sacrifice of Jesus.

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Reasonable Faith #1 - Creation
Message Mike Chilcoat Message Mike Chilcoat

Reasonable Faith #1 - Creation

Guest teacher Mike Chilcoat launches the message series Reasonable Faith teaching out of the book of Acts to share the logic and reason behind the concept of the creation of the universe by none other than a personal and loving God.

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Crossing the Cultural Divide
Culture George Palombo Culture George Palombo

Crossing the Cultural Divide

By now, many of our kids are back to school and university. In this post we will briefly look at some of the issues that our kids face, and the demands placed on them by unrelenting media outlets and cultural messages as they head back into ‘the world’.

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