Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Finding Hope and Purpose Beyond Political Outcomes
In the aftermath election, Americans are left grappling with a range of emotions and a fractured political landscape. The Bible encourages us to look beyond temporary political outcomes and find lasting hope and purpose in the eternal reign of Jesus Christ and through treating our neighbors with grace and dignity, regardless of political differences.

Is There a Reason to Give Thanks this Holiday Season?
As we approach the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas, our culture reminds us that this is the “hap, hap, happiest” season of all! These holidays are to be celebrated with family and friends. Yet, the stressors around the holidays can make them very difficult.

Tips for Daily Devotionals in 2023
My own personal time with God has ebbed and flowed over the years as I’ve experienced everything from deep intimacy with God to dryness and boredom. Rather than adding one more thing to your “to-do” list, I want to share some helpful tips for getting the most out of your daily time with God.

From Gloom to Glory
Are you ready for Christmas? I don’t just mean do you have all your gifts bought, wrapped, and sent. I don’t mean do you have all your Christmas cookies baked and iced. I don’t mean do you have your Christmas cards sent. Rather, are you spiritually and emotionally ready for Christmas?

5 Tips for Sharing the Gospel
Why share our faith to begin with? There are many reasons, but I’ll simply give two: urgency and obedient response. There is only one way to get to God/Heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. Here are 5 practical tips for sharing the gospel with those around.

Genres of Biblical Literature and How to Study Them
Understanding an overview of each type of literature in the Scriptures is essential for understanding what the human author, and ultimately the Divine Author meant and means for us today.

Hamartiology: The Doctrine of Sin Explained
Talking about sin these days seems old fashioned and out of touch. Who really wants to think about sin or being sinful? Hamartiology is the study of sin and deals with how sin originated, how it affects humanity, and how it was and will ultimately be defeated.

Why is Jesus’ Birth so Important to Christians?
The reality of Christmas is astonishing if you think about it. The God of the universe became a human being. If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a while, the reality of Christmas and the Incarnation may not hit you all that hard. But it is an essential part of God’s plan for the world.

What is Bibliology and Why is it Important?
What is truth? How can we know anything for sure? Is the Bible the legitimate source of truth? Is it authoritative? Those questions fall under the category of the term bibliology which refers to the study of the nature of the Bible as Revelation.

How Cultural and Political Crises can Point us to Jesus
Leaders at the top of their field are easy targets for criticism, just ask President Trump or Biden. That is not to say that the criticism is invalid or unwarranted, but it is all too easy to blame the leaders for all that ails the country.

Perspectives Podcast - Family Devotional Time
In this episode, Brady Randall, Dan Sheilds, and Jenna Bajuszik have a conversation about having devotional time as a family, what their experiences were growing up, what they do with their kids now, and more!

Perspectives Podcast - The Death Penalty
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, and Russ Brasher have a conversation about the death penalty, some of the different perspectives our culture and Christians have, what the Bible has to say about the topic, and more!

Perspectives Podcast - Prophecy in the Bible and Today
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Brady Randall, and Emily DeAngelo have a conversation about modern people who claim to be prophets, what the Bible has to say about prophets in the Bible and prophets today, how we should engage those who claim to be prophets, and more!