Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Your Kingdom Come: A Prayer in Everything
Discover how the phrase "Your Kingdom Come" from the Lord's Prayer can transform your prayer life. By focusing on God's promises, revealing His Kingdom in daily life, and reshaping your character, you'll deepen your spiritual connection and start meaningful conversations with God.

The New Mind
New year, new you! Or is it? As we get ready to turn over a new calendar, a common tradition is for many to set their sights on a brighter future through the process of setting New Year’s Resolutions. Yet, it seems as if many today have become disillusioned by the idea of seeing progress through resolutions.

Colossians 2:16-23 Devotional (Part 5)
As we continue through the book of Colossians, we see that this group of Christians was facing intense pressure from certain individuals in their community to conform their behavior to a pattern of living that was out of alignment with the gospel of Christ. How did they respond?

Colossians 2:6-15 Devotional/Study
The lesson of this passages is that the best way to identify the counterfeit message is by being intimately familiar with the true message. The true doctrine of Christ, as Paul teaches, is centered upon both the person of Christ and the work of Christ.

Why Does the Bible say to “Fear God?”
I think we all tend to view fear as a flaw to correct. That somehow, the goal in life is to be unafraid and to have complete confidence in every situation. Yet, I’m starting to see that fear is not so much a flaw to correct, but a gift to be harnessed.

Being Vulnerable in a Small Group
One of the tests of a healthy small group is the willingness of members to be vulnerable with each other. Being vulnerable is putting yourself in a position to experience pain and rejection. This is the only way others get to know the real you.

Church Words 101 - Regeneration
Despite the word only being used twice in scripture, regeneration is an essential component in learning to appreciate our salvation in Christ. If there is no regeneration by the Spirit, there is no eternal life to hope for.