Orchard Hill Church Blog

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Boast in the Lord (Psalm 44 Devotional)
Devotional Dan Shields Devotional Dan Shields

Boast in the Lord (Psalm 44 Devotional)

We live in a boastful society. People boast about just about everything. The Bible has some harsh things to say about those who boast. Humility is a touted attribute in those who call on the name of the Lord. But we are also called to boast. It’s the object of our boasting that is different though.

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Cease Your Striving (Psalm 46 Devotional)
Devotional Dan Shields Devotional Dan Shields

Cease Your Striving (Psalm 46 Devotional)

Sometimes we forget what Christ really did for us on Calvary. We often, once we are saved and God begins the process of sanctification in us, confuse our works with Christ’s finished work. We begin to think that our right standing before God is based on our works.

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Why is My Soul Downcast? (Psalm 42 Devotional)
Devotional Dan Shields Devotional Dan Shields

Why is My Soul Downcast? (Psalm 42 Devotional)

All of us go through times of sadness, sorrow, or even depression. Scripture makes it clear that we live in a fallen world, and that because of sin, we will experience pain in this life. But the purpose of suffering is not to make us let go of life; rather its purpose is to mature us.

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Walk in the Light (Psalm 36 Devotional)
Devotional Dan Shields Devotional Dan Shields

Walk in the Light (Psalm 36 Devotional)

Have you ever been in complete darkness? The type where you can’t even see your hand in front of your face? Many of us have been in situations where we felt the darkness closing in, and we were not sure how to get out. But remember the light of the Lord.

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