Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Spiritual Formation of Children
When it concerns the spiritual formation of our children, the stakes are very high. As believers, it is not whether we are spiritually forming our children, but whether the spiritual formation they are receiving is true and biblical.

Essential Christian Values for High School Students
Preparing a student for life after high school can sound like a daunting task. Regardless of your status as a parent or not, you can have an impact on a student’s life, and I feel there are three important values that a student should have before leaving high school.

What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Christianity?
Jesus was Jewish. Born into a Jewish family, He grew up going to the temple and reciting the scriptures from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. When we consider the differences between Judaism and Christianity, it is on the question of who was Jesus Christ that most Jews and Christians divide.