Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Quiet Acts of Obedience (Part 3): Praised
After reading the book Risen Motherhood, I was encouraged by the sentence, “All our quiet acts of obedience will be seen, rewarded, and praised for the glory of God.” In the final part of this series, we will explore the “praised” aspect and how this is demonstrated throughout scripture.

Busting the Myth of "Life Balance"
Without a doubt, one of the most common challenges I hear has to do with finding “life-balance.” Many of us try again and again to achieve this elusive goal. Allow me to relieve your anxiety and boldly proclaim that life balance is a myth!

Oh, Christmas Tree!
Yesterday I told my wife, Lisa, I can’t stand our Christmas tree. Technically there is nothing wrong with it, I just think it looks like a messy Christmas ornament yard sale. As I looked upon the mess of ornaments hanging all over our tree, like a badly organized garage sale, it hit me - this looks a lot like God’s love for us.