Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

Biblical Wisdom that Comes from Age
Christian Living Kay Warheit Christian Living Kay Warheit

Biblical Wisdom that Comes from Age

In the book of Job, Job mocked his aged “counselors” for being older but not wise. “Is not wisdom found among the aged? "Does not life bring understanding?” Job asked. He then told them: “True wisdom and real power belong to God; from him we learn how to live, and also what to live for.”

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We are Never Alone with God
Culture Kay Warheit Culture Kay Warheit

We are Never Alone with God

Fears and loneliness can go hand-in-hand when we are bombarded with constant bad news. Our emotions can resemble one of those waving tube men at car lots, but we need to remember where God is in all the bad news we read. He is with us every step of the way.

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10 Tips for Leading a Small Group
Christian Living Kay Warheit Christian Living Kay Warheit

10 Tips for Leading a Small Group

Can you remember how you felt on the first day of school? No matter what grade you were in there could be fear, excitement, angst, or an anticipation of the possibilities. Groups leaders can feel similar types of emotions when a new study starts so here are few tips to help you out!

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Is Christianity an Intolerant Religion?
Culture Kay Warheit Culture Kay Warheit

Is Christianity an Intolerant Religion?

Why is there a question of Christianity being a religion of intolerance? Because the truth is that there is only one way to know and to have a relationship with God. We are called to reject any religion that is not about Jesus as the only way. We are not called to reject people but rather to serve even those who do not believe.

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Our News Isn’t News to God
Easter Kay Warheit Easter Kay Warheit

Our News Isn’t News to God

There have been many times in the past months when I have heard negative news and, in my mind, have momentarily panicked, thinking today’s news is also news to God. During this Lenten season, my hope is that you find God is closer than you think!

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Becoming Alive in Christ
Christian Living Kay Warheit Christian Living Kay Warheit

Becoming Alive in Christ

In an interview Bill Murray was asked, "What is one thing you wish you had that money can’t buy?” Murray responded that he “would love to have the ability to be really here, really alive, more here all the time.” Is his desire simply the wish of a man or does it express a greater truth from a Holy, Omnipotent God?

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Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, George Palombo, and Kay Warheit have a conversation about anxiety and depression with everything going on in the world and the isolation people find themselves in, how this time has affected them personally, what the Bible has to say about these topics, and more!

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Perspectives Podcast - When Christian Leaders Fall
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - When Christian Leaders Fall

In this episode Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund has a conversation with Joel Haldeman & Kay Warheit about when Christian leaders fall, how Christians and non-Christians should think about leadership failures, what the role of grace, restoration, and forgiveness is for leaders, and more!

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Preparing for Easter: Worship
Easter Kay Warheit Easter Kay Warheit

Preparing for Easter: Worship

Life has become magnified in the past month; our daily schedules and priorities have changed. But when we remember or see for the first time that life is not about us but about God’s desire for us to know Him, this Lenten season becomes even more magnified. Life is short and God is all we need.

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We Need More Words!
Christian Living Kay Warheit Christian Living Kay Warheit

We Need More Words!

It is God’s unique gift to us to be able to communicate through language because words have power; it has been said that one kind word can change the course of someone’s day. And, the more words we know, the more power we have over our own lives.

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