Orchard Hill Church Blog

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Final Hours #1 - 2 Questions
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Final Hours #1 - 2 Questions

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund begins the new message series "Final Hours" teaching on the final hours of Jesus's life from the New Testament book of Matthew. Jesus's disciples asked two important questions of Jesus in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew.

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The Matrix is Upon Us! - Part III: Trust
Culture Mike Hatch Culture Mike Hatch

The Matrix is Upon Us! - Part III: Trust

If we can’t trust technology, big tech companies, or even ourselves, who can we trust!? The only trustworthy person is Jesus. He proved His unconditional love for us by dying on the cross for our sin and rising from the grave to conquer death on our behalf.

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