Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Things to Remember at Christmastime
Christmas Katie Thomas Christmas Katie Thomas

3 Things to Remember at Christmastime

While we decorated and prepared our home for Christmas, I pondered. What traditions do we want to start this year? How will we help our son prioritize the real meaning of Christmas? Although our family doesn’t quite have this solidified yet, here are three things we want to remember at Christmastime.

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Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Explained
Doctrine Russ Brasher Doctrine Russ Brasher

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Explained

Today we are going to briefly discuss and cover some of the basic understandings of one of the fancy big words used in various Christian circles ending in “ology”. In its most basic definition, Soteriology focuses on the study of salvation, or saving faith in Jesus Christ.

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Abide (Dwell Songs) | Worship Song Analysis
Worship Chris Jamison Worship Chris Jamison

Abide (Dwell Songs) | Worship Song Analysis

Today, I want to focus on a song that we have sung a handful of times during our weekend gatherings called “Abide” which is written by a worship collective called Dwell Songs. The song centers around John 15:5 and has a simple message – depend on the Lord.

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Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man Explained
Doctrine George Palombo Doctrine George Palombo

Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man Explained

Anthropologists have been studying and exploring the essence of mankind for as long as mankind has been around so there is obviously neither time nor room in this short treatment to cover such a broad topic comprehensively. So… what is man?

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Ridiculous Joy #6 - In Perspective
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Ridiculous Joy #6 - In Perspective

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the 'Ridiculous Joy' series looking at Philippians 2:12-18 teaching about the presence of joy we can experience when we live in the correct perspective to God's love and mercy.

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What Should or Could We Be Doing During Lent?
Easter George Palombo Easter George Palombo

What Should or Could We Be Doing During Lent?

Recent history has revealed that Evangelicals are not typically first in line to observe Lent, but there is biblical wisdom in setting aside times of special observance and dedication for our personal and corporate growth during the season of Lent leading up to Easter.

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