Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Reasons to Make Time for God
When preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating the early mornings and inevitable math problem that will have your child – or you - in tears, have you also prioritized your relationship with God? Remember it is never too late to return to Him.

How to Share the Light of God in a Dark World
It is said that it is easier to light a candle than to curse the darkness. That is true. And we know where light comes from. The Gospel of John calls Jesus the light of all lights. We are to let our light shine before others so that our good deeds may be seen and glorify our Father in heaven.

Give Thanks in All Circumstances
Give thanks in all circumstances? Is that hard for anyone else? It’s a simple command and seems easy enough, but why is it so hard? I think it boils down and is linked to one simple thing. In order to give thanks, we must first remember.

How Do I Engage God in Worship Daily?
When asked how to engage God in worship, two words come to mind. Attention and Intention. Giving God our attention and setting our intentions on Him in all that we do. The question is what is the object of our worship?

Thanksgiving is More than a Once a Year Celebration
It is a common tradition that some families on Thanksgiving Day go around their tables one by one sharing something specific that they are thankful for. But what about thanking God even in the mundane days or in the hard trials we go through?

Barriers to Joy
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! If you are a follower of Jesus that verse may be familiar to you. And if you are in a season where the last thing you feel like doing is rejoicing then that may make you feel guilty or irritated. How can I possibly rejoice in the Lord always if my circumstances are lousy?

Joy in the Journey
In a world that has been turned upside down by a global pandemic, racial unrest, and a perpetual political slugfest, I wonder... where is the joy in this journey? As a counselor I have seen an increasing number of people who are struggling.

Can You Imagine...Again?
Why did God give each of us the potential to picture things, places or scenarios in our minds? Imaginations aren’t just for the future or eternity, but God wants us to imagine in our prayers for the present.

Peace in Chaos
Life can be challenging and chaotic at times which leaves us with feelings of disorder and loss of control. We are distracted and tempted by things that draw our attention away from the Lord. So how do we find peace in a chaotic world?