Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Your Kingdom Come: A Prayer in Everything
Discover how the phrase "Your Kingdom Come" from the Lord's Prayer can transform your prayer life. By focusing on God's promises, revealing His Kingdom in daily life, and reshaping your character, you'll deepen your spiritual connection and start meaningful conversations with God.

What Does it Mean to Contend Hard in Prayer?
Has anyone ever asked you to “pray hard” for a concern in their life? When this has been asked of me, I have honestly wondered what it means to pray “hard.” What does that even look like, and why would it matter in prayer?

You're Not You When You're Hungry
When a soul is hungry, we can search for love and meaning in the wrong places or “feed” on the things of this world that were never meant to fill our souls. Our souls were designed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.