Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

What Does it Mean to Contend Hard in Prayer?
Has anyone ever asked you to “pray hard” for a concern in their life? When this has been asked of me, I have honestly wondered what it means to pray “hard.” What does that even look like, and why would it matter in prayer?

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
My simple answer to this question is yes. Celebrate Halloween in a way that can glorify God. There is, of course, more nuance to this topic which means my simple answer needs a little more explaining, so here are some more of my thoughts about how to answer this question.

5 Tips for Sharing the Gospel
Why share our faith to begin with? There are many reasons, but I’ll simply give two: urgency and obedient response. There is only one way to get to God/Heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. Here are 5 practical tips for sharing the gospel with those around.

Trail Pittsburgh to Trail Jesus
My husband and I were walking on a local trail when we came upon a steel plate etched with the words “Trail Pittsburgh”. Somehow that scuffed steel plate sparked deeper thoughts about the bridges we’d crossed since moving here - how God brought us and where we are now on His path.

3 Reasons to Make Time for God
When preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating the early mornings and inevitable math problem that will have your child – or you - in tears, have you also prioritized your relationship with God? Remember it is never too late to return to Him.

What KidsFest Means to Me
When thinking about KidsFest, many fun and exciting things come to mind. Maybe it’s the waterslides, the unreal energy during club, or even just the hundreds of kids we have the opportunity to share the gospel with. It can be agreed that nothing quite compares to KidsFest.

10 Tips for Leading a Small Group
Can you remember how you felt on the first day of school? No matter what grade you were in there could be fear, excitement, angst, or an anticipation of the possibilities. Groups leaders can feel similar types of emotions when a new study starts so here are few tips to help you out!

How to Share the Light of God in a Dark World
It is said that it is easier to light a candle than to curse the darkness. That is true. And we know where light comes from. The Gospel of John calls Jesus the light of all lights. We are to let our light shine before others so that our good deeds may be seen and glorify our Father in heaven.

What is the Purpose of a Worship Leader?
Since 2019, I’ve had the privilege of serving as one of the worship leaders at Orchard Hill Church. Though there are many tasks worship leaders complete on a day-to-day basis, I've tried my best to narrow it down to three simple activities.

Why We Need to Share the Story of the Bible
A favorite hymn from my childhood is I Love to Tell the Story by Katherine Hankey. That hymn is listed under the category of “Service and Zeal” on page 100 of my grandmother’s one-hundred-year-old, hymnal and it’s a reminder of how important it is to share the story of the Bible with others.

Essential Christian Values for High School Students
Preparing a student for life after high school can sound like a daunting task. Regardless of your status as a parent or not, you can have an impact on a student’s life, and I feel there are three important values that a student should have before leaving high school.

Answering God’s Calling Through Cancer Care Ministry
Cancer. We’ve seen the statistics and it is likely we have each felt cancer’s impact in some significant way; its reach is deep and wide. But where do we see God at work and how can we serve God in the midst of this grim reality?

Make Reading the Bible Part of Your New Year’s Resolution
The other day I read online that a recent poll of about 1000 people was conducted asking them what their New Year’s resolution will be. The highest answer and 44% of the results were health-related resolutions. But 29% of the resolutions centered around something related to a relationship with God.

Living Out our Love of Jesus like a Fan
Regardless of what you are a fan of, we love, if given the opportunity, to tell others why we are fans! As Christians who are fans of Jesus, we should be prepared and excited to answer those who ask why we believe the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Ark Encounter and the Importance of the Gospel
We recently took two of our grandsons to The Ark Encounter in Kentucky. The Ark represents the truth of the message of the Gospel. While every one of us is capable of wickedness and being a sinner, we can be declared righteous before our Holy Father God, through the “door” that is Jesus Christ.

5 Christian Prayer Methods for Individuals or Groups
The possibilities of prayer are countless for individuals and groups, but I am going to share five ways to pray that have helped me deepen my relationship with God. Though prayer is not limited to certain techniques, practicing models for prayer has helped me improve my conversations with the One who created me to be in a relationship with Him and His people.

The Benefits of a Multisite Church
If you have been around Orchard Hill for any amount of time, you have likely heard it said that we are “one church in multiple locations.” Over the past 6 months, I have experienced how this reality gives our church a unique opportunity and ability to extend our shared mission in a beautiful, profound way!

How Do I Engage God in Worship Daily?
When asked how to engage God in worship, two words come to mind. Attention and Intention. Giving God our attention and setting our intentions on Him in all that we do. The question is what is the object of our worship?

Tips for Engaging Students with the Gospel
To some students, the Gospel could hold a multitude of perspectives in their minds. Here are some helpful tips if you find yourself engaging students with the gospel. Whether the student is your child, a friend, or yourself, may these words help you in one way or another.

Books for Every Christian’s Home Library
Asking someone who loves to read and owns a wall of books in her home library to compose a blog that contains the essential books for every Christian’s library is like requesting a favorite recipe from a chef. But here are a handful of specific titles that I think every Christian ought to have in their home library.