Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

Perspectives Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Dan Shields, and Emily Roberts have a conversation about spiritual disciplines, what disciplines they have found to be helpful in their Christian walk, how these things have changed over the course of their life, and more!

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Perspectives Podcast - Prophecy in the Bible and Today
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Prophecy in the Bible and Today

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Brady Randall, and Emily DeAngelo have a conversation about modern people who claim to be prophets, what the Bible has to say about prophets in the Bible and prophets today, how we should engage those who claim to be prophets, and more!

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Refined by Christ
Christian Living Allyson Wagner Christian Living Allyson Wagner

Refined by Christ

“I asked God: Why the cutting? Why the shaping? Why the sanding edges smooth? Why the growing and the pruning, and the constant tweak and tune? Then He answered: There are kingdoms rising, falling full of skewed and blurring lines. I’m not built to fit inside yours; you are made to fit in mine.”

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Minority Report #4 - God’s Compassionate Hand
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Minority Report #4 - God’s Compassionate Hand

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the message series "Minority Report" teaching from the Old Testament book of Daniel to show how God's compassion is present in times of trouble even after the trouble is the result of our decisions again and again.

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