Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

How Cultural and Political Crises can Point us to Jesus
Leaders at the top of their field are easy targets for criticism, just ask President Trump or Biden. That is not to say that the criticism is invalid or unwarranted, but it is all too easy to blame the leaders for all that ails the country.

Tips for Engaging Students with the Gospel
To some students, the Gospel could hold a multitude of perspectives in their minds. Here are some helpful tips if you find yourself engaging students with the gospel. Whether the student is your child, a friend, or yourself, may these words help you in one way or another.

What Does Sanctification Mean?
Each month we will look at a word or phrase related to Christian theology, define it, give background about the theology behind the word, and what it means for us today. This month’s word is Sanctification and how we as Christians become more like Christ through this process.

God Will Instruct the Sinner’s Way (Psalm 25 Devotional)
Cicero once said that thankfulness was the mother of all virtues. As important as thankfulness is though, I believe that it is actually humility that lies at the core of all virtues. Our realization that there is a God is the beginning of humility.