Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

The Olympics and Misplaced Identity
Culture Russ Brasher Culture Russ Brasher

The Olympics and Misplaced Identity

The 2020 (in 2021) summer Olympics have officially started! For many of these athletes, they have their whole identity, value, purpose, and meaning of their life wrapped up in this one defining event. But, what does the Bible say about where our true identity is found?

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Ridiculous Joy #6 - In Perspective
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Ridiculous Joy #6 - In Perspective

Dr. Kurt Bjorklund continues the 'Ridiculous Joy' series looking at Philippians 2:12-18 teaching about the presence of joy we can experience when we live in the correct perspective to God's love and mercy.

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5 Christian Prayer Methods for Individuals or Groups
Christian Living Emily DeAngelo Christian Living Emily DeAngelo

5 Christian Prayer Methods for Individuals or Groups

The possibilities of prayer are countless for individuals and groups, but I am going to share five ways to pray that have helped me deepen my relationship with God. Though prayer is not limited to certain techniques, practicing models for prayer has helped me improve my conversations with the One who created me to be in a relationship with Him and His people.

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