Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

3 Reasons to Make Time for God
When preparing for the upcoming school year and anticipating the early mornings and inevitable math problem that will have your child – or you - in tears, have you also prioritized your relationship with God? Remember it is never too late to return to Him.

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation Explained
Today we are going to briefly discuss and cover some of the basic understandings of one of the fancy big words used in various Christian circles ending in “ology”. In its most basic definition, Soteriology focuses on the study of salvation, or saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Abide (Dwell Songs) | Worship Song Analysis
Today, I want to focus on a song that we have sung a handful of times during our weekend gatherings called “Abide” which is written by a worship collective called Dwell Songs. The song centers around John 15:5 and has a simple message – depend on the Lord.

The Battlefronts of Our Souls (Psalm 39 Devotional)
The reality is since the fall of mankind, sin has been crouching at all our doors. Sin wants to destroy us. There are 3 primary battlefronts of our souls: the devil, the world system, and the flesh. So how do we fight on these three fronts?