Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

How our Theology Informs our Doxology
Broadly speaking, a doxology is any song sung within a corporate worship setting since what we are doing as we stand, and sing is ascribing praise to God! As we sing, our hearts and our minds should be fully engaged with the words we are singing.

Come Ye Thankful People: A Thanksgiving Hymn to Remember in 2022
Growing up in the church I remember singing "Come Ye Thankful People, Come”. The words to this hymn are foreign to us in 2022, but it is a call to God’s people to gather, sing praise, and give thanks to God after a successful fall harvest.

What Does it Mean to Contend Hard in Prayer?
Has anyone ever asked you to “pray hard” for a concern in their life? When this has been asked of me, I have honestly wondered what it means to pray “hard.” What does that even look like, and why would it matter in prayer?

Why is My Soul Downcast? (Psalm 42 Devotional)
All of us go through times of sadness, sorrow, or even depression. Scripture makes it clear that we live in a fallen world, and that because of sin, we will experience pain in this life. But the purpose of suffering is not to make us let go of life; rather its purpose is to mature us.