Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Jesus' Christmas List!
Yes…it is almost December and Advent is soon again upon us. Which means Christmas is not far behind. What would Jesus want for Christmas if we asked Him?…
The Lord's Prayer
“To pray is to be Christian.” I remember hearing my professor at college say this, and I thought, “I must not be a very good one.” As I have grown, I have found his words to be more and more true.
True Joy in Worshiping God (Psalm 5 Devotional)
Joy. One of the fruits of the spirit is joy. We are told to rejoice in the Lord, and, as if we didn’t get it the first time, Paul says, “I say it again rejoice.” But let me ask you, when was the last time you felt real joy?
The Pathway to Truly Loving Others
Every time I read the book Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller, one quote sticks out to me as particularly profound: He writes, “The surest way for any couple to succeed in marriage is for both partners to say ‘The greatest threat to our marriage is my own self-centeredness.’”
What Makes Us Human?
Recently I had the opportunity to attend a technology summit here in Pittsburgh. The purpose of the summit was to examine the effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on humanity and the theme this year was, “What Makes Us Human?”
Sacrifices and Trust (Psalm 4 Devotional)
For many, the time of worship in a church service is a time for THEM. It is for them to be refreshed, filled, recharged. It’s a time for them to connect with God, to be comforted and blessed. But worship is first and last about God.
Hope Amid Suffering
We who are in Christ are having a home made for us in heaven, where we will be reunited with our wonderful, glorious, tender, and intimate savior, Jesus! But these homes are not for us only, but for all who have gone before us into glory to be with the Lord.
Yeah... But... Nope.
Bernard’s prayer is a kind of “yeah...but...nope” of our heart, mind and soul before God. What is the key to getting rid of the “nope” factor in our prayers? Read more to find out…
Thou Art a Shield about Me (Psalm 3 Devotional)
There is a spiritual battle that rages around us. If we could see into the spiritual dimension, we would realize that those who are with us are greater than those who are against us. We are told to fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen.
Some Thoughts on Practical Worship
I can remember that for a large portion of my Christian walk, I believed that worship was a slow song during the “praise and worship” section of our services. I can also remember growing to believe it was more than just a song, it was anything that we did concerning Christ.
Wellness for God's Glory
True confession: sometimes when I leave my spin class, I feel like a hero. I like to imagine myself as Wonder Woman, strong and resilient. It is amazing what spin has taught me about the Christian life.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 5 - Anxiety, Abuse, Loveless Marriage
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, our Senior Pastor, talks with Kay Warheit, Director of Women's Ministry at our Butler County campus, about anxiety, abuse, and loveless marriages.
Thomas Jefferson is Not Jesus
Jefferson was a student of multiple religions. He loved the moral teachings of Jesus but believed the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) were filled with fabrications created by zealous followers to enhanced Jesus’ reputation.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 4 - Parent/Teen Relationship, Peer Pressure, Social Media
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Senior Pastor, talks with Russ Brasher, Director of Student Ministries, about relationships between a parent and their teenager, peer pressure, and social media.
You're Not You When You're Hungry
When a soul is hungry, we can search for love and meaning in the wrong places or “feed” on the things of this world that were never meant to fill our souls. Our souls were designed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Reverence & Trembling (Psalm 2 Devotional)
Many contemporary worship communities have done a wonderful job at helping us grasp the immanence, or nearness, of God, but in doing so have lost the transcendence, the Holy otherness, of God.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 2 - Cutting, Dating, Suicide
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund (Senior Pastor) talks with Josiah Leuenberger (Director of Young Adult Ministries) about cutting, dating, and suicide.
First Things First
Rest. Who has time to rest!? In our busy world, rest is a guilty pleasure for many of us. But is rest a need that we have as human beings, or is it a luxury?
Ask a Pastor Ep. 1 - OT vs. NT God, Sexual Identity, Politics & the Bible
In our first episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Senior Pastor, talks with Dr. Terry Thomas of Geneva College about the OT vs. NT God, Sexual Identity, and Politics & the Bible.
The Matrix is Upon Us! - Part IV: Identity
As soon as we’re born we’re given a name and told who we are. We understand our identity primarily through the context of our relationship with our parents but, only the gospel provides the assurance of our true identity and the confidence to live in that identity regardless of whether we’re online or in person.