Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Path Blind
Thanks to Febreze commercials we’ve learned about going nose blind. But path blind? All it took for me was a bike, a path with shadows and some sun to learn from creation.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 61 - Watching from Heaven, Homosexual/Trans Kids, Unmarried Couple Visiting
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Teaching Pastor and professor at Geneva College, Dr. Terry Thomas, about if people are watching us from Heaven, talking with your kids who are homosexual or transgender, and ground rules for an unmarried couple visiting.
Live in Light of Eternity
One of my favorite spots to end up at is on top of a mountain. You know why? When I climb to that mountain top and look around, I am absolutely amazed at the vastness of God’s glorious creation.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 60 - Liturgical Worship, Discernment in Worship
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Director of Worship Arts, Dan Shields, about liturgical worship and being discerning in worship.
Crossing the Cultural Divide
By now, many of our kids are back to school and university. In this post we will briefly look at some of the issues that our kids face, and the demands placed on them by unrelenting media outlets and cultural messages as they head back into ‘the world’.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 59 - Voting in Elections, Losing Salvation, Sinner's Prayer
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Co-director of Women's Ministry, JoAnn Adams, about how Christians should think about voting in elections, if you can lose your salvation and the sinner's prayer.
100 Feet Ahead
You and I need summits in our lives. But sometimes the going gets tough and we want to give up. All we can see is the end and the end seems so far away. But what we can do, is look at something not too far away and work toward it.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 58 - Deathbed Confessions, Bad Driving, Natural Disasters
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Director of Student Ministry, Russ Brasher about deathbed confessions and acceptance of Christ, bad driving and if God uses natural disasters as punishment.
I Want To Do Better
Instead of having gratitude for strength or recognizing the spiritual privilege it is to serve God, I sometimes smugly think that I am a good person for serving and I want to do better giving God the glory.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 57 - Enneagram, Peace of God, Green Movement
This episode our Strip Disctrict Campus Pastor, Joel Haldeman, talks with Family Ministry Director in Butler County, Jenna Bajuszik, about being Christian parents and how to deal with friends who are a negative influence on your kids.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 56 - Christian Parenting, Kids with Negative Influences
This episode our Strip District Campus Pastor, Joel Haldeman, talks with Family Ministry Director in Butler County, Jenna Bajuszik, about being Christian parents and how to deal with friends who are a negative influence on your kids.
You Think That's Funny!?
What does your sense of humor tell you about yourself? When I can't see the humor in life around me it usually means I'm either too prideful or struggling with shame.
Ask a Pastor Ep. 55 - Fear, Healthy Marriages, Church Gender Demographics
This episode our Strip District Campus Pastor, Joel Haldeman, talks with Life Stage Pastor and Director of Men's Ministry, Mike Hatch, about fear, healthy marriages, and church gender demographics.