Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

Preparing for Christmas
Christmas Josiah Leuenberger Christmas Josiah Leuenberger

Preparing for Christmas

The season of Advent is a season in which followers of Jesus prepare for the celebration of His birth by remembering those who first awaited his arrival and identifying with them as we wait on Christ to bring grace and restoration in our own days.

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Perspectives Podcast - Perspectives on Santa Claus
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Perspectives on Santa Claus

In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, & Emily Roberts have a conversation about some different perspectives on Santa Claus in our culture, what their experiences were with Santa as kids, how they addressed the issue in raising their own kids, and more!

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Past, Present, Future
Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Message Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

Past, Present, Future

David Bowens, Emily DeAngelo, and Dr. Kurt Bjorklund lead through the Old Testament book of Micah to teach about the importance of Christ's life in the past, the present, and the future.

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Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, George Palombo, and Kay Warheit have a conversation about anxiety and depression with everything going on in the world and the isolation people find themselves in, how this time has affected them personally, what the Bible has to say about these topics, and more!

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Welcome To Our World
Christmas Faith Bjorklund Christmas Faith Bjorklund

Welcome To Our World

When I welcome someone into my home, I offer them something to drink and try to make them comfortable. So, what would it look like for me, at this beginning of advent, to truly welcome Jesus again into my world—into my very home?

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Perspectives Podcast - Returning To Your Faith
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - Returning To Your Faith

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Josiah Leuenberger, and Jenette Cline have a conversation about returning to faith or church after not engaging for a period of time, how to encourage someone in that position, dealing with guilt around not taking faith seriously, and more!

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The Limitations of Virtual Church
Culture Dr. Kurt Bjorklund Culture Dr. Kurt Bjorklund

The Limitations of Virtual Church

“Church without the commute, in my pajamas, and on demand – yes please.” Is virtual church a positive or a negative to one’s spiritual life and to the life of the church? While there are some positives, I have come to believe that there are several important limitations to virtual church.

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Perspectives Podcast - The 2020 Election
Podcast Perspectives Podcast Podcast Perspectives Podcast

Perspectives Podcast - The 2020 Election

In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Pete Mendes have a discussion about the 2020 election, reactions while watching the coverage, thoughts on the election process as a whole, how we should think about elections as Christians, and more!

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Beauty in Brokenness
Christian Living Emily DeAngelo Christian Living Emily DeAngelo

Beauty in Brokenness

Brokenness has been on my mind a lot lately, partly because of the work I get to do each day, but also because I have come to better understand that being broken is exactly the condition of all humans. Sometimes stories of brokenness are so ridiculous that in the sharing of them, we discover laughter together, which helps to mend our fractured souls.

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