Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Perspectives Podcast - Making Idols of Achievement
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Josiah Leuenberger sit down to have a conversation about making idols of the thing we have achieved or are trying to achieve in life, examples from the Bible about people too focused on their achievements, and more!

Remember the Promises of God in 2021
For Advent, I spent some time in a “Love God Greatly” study called Everlasting Covenant with some of my sisters, and I was reminded again and again that God is a Promise Keeper!

Perspectives Podcast - Making Idols of Health and Beauty
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Mike Hatch, and Emily DeAngelo sit down to have a conversation about making idols of health and beauty, what the Bible says about the idols we have in our life, what we can do about it, and more!

Back to the Basics: What is our Purpose in Life?
A lot of us do feel like 2020 defeated us: our plans, our identity, our purpose, our hopes and dreams, our joy. But I urge you to not go into this year feeling pressure to have the best year of your life. If we want to know why we were placed on this planet, we must begin with God.

Perspectives Podcast: Public vs. Private vs. Homeschooling
In this episode, Emily DeAngelo, Jenette Cline, and Mike Hatch have a conversation about the differences (good and bad) between public school, private school, and homeschooling. They discuss their own experiences with each and how Christians should think about the topic of educating their children.

Becoming Alive in Christ
In an interview Bill Murray was asked, "What is one thing you wish you had that money can’t buy?” Murray responded that he “would love to have the ability to be really here, really alive, more here all the time.” Is his desire simply the wish of a man or does it express a greater truth from a Holy, Omnipotent God?

I’ll Be Home For Christmas
Christmas, according to scripture, is not just a story about snow, mistletoe, or presents under a tree as Bing Crosby describes it in his #10 most performed holiday song. John 1:14 describes Christmas as “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” The Word is Jesus and John 1:4 tells us, that in Jesus is life and that life was the light of all mankind.

Preparing for Christmas
The season of Advent is a season in which followers of Jesus prepare for the celebration of His birth by remembering those who first awaited his arrival and identifying with them as we wait on Christ to bring grace and restoration in our own days.

Perspectives Podcast - Perspectives on Santa Claus
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, & Emily Roberts have a conversation about some different perspectives on Santa Claus in our culture, what their experiences were with Santa as kids, how they addressed the issue in raising their own kids, and more!

Those Who Seek Him Will Praise the Lord (Psalm 22 Devotional)
Written a millennium before the coming of the Christ, David prophetically proclaims the horrors of the cross in such vivid and striking foreshadowing. A thousand years after David breathed his last breath, Jesus would be breathing His last breaths in fulfillment of the words of this Psalm.

Perspectives Podcast - Depression and Anxiety in Isolation
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, George Palombo, and Kay Warheit have a conversation about anxiety and depression with everything going on in the world and the isolation people find themselves in, how this time has affected them personally, what the Bible has to say about these topics, and more!

Welcome To Our World
When I welcome someone into my home, I offer them something to drink and try to make them comfortable. So, what would it look like for me, at this beginning of advent, to truly welcome Jesus again into my world—into my very home?

Perspectives Podcast - Mount Rushmore of Faith (Part 2)
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and Emily DeAngelo have a conversation about who each of them would put on their Mount Rushmore of faith with part two of the series focusing on people not in the bible.