Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
The Good Shepherd and His Sheep
One of my favorite stories that my Dad shares from when we were little is about how he used to sleep on the floor, at the top of the stairwell in our home, to keep us safe. This story stirs deep emotion in me because it gives me a striking picture of a father’s sacrifice.
Who is the King of Glory? (Psalm 24 Devotional)
We often think of Jesus in light of His unglorified humanity. And we should. He was, after all fully human. But part of Him was veiled to us. During His time here on Earth we only caught short glimpses of who He really was.
Perspectives Podcast - Family Devotional Time
In this episode, Brady Randall, Dan Sheilds, and Jenna Bajuszik have a conversation about having devotional time as a family, what their experiences were growing up, what they do with their kids now, and more!
The Meaning of Saturday
In a moment, everything went dark. With a cry, the world fell silent. The curtain was torn. The Son of God was dead. For Christians, this is one of history's darkest days. For those who followed Jesus during His ministry, there could only be one question on their minds: "Is all hope lost?" Then, it was Saturday.
Perspectives Podcast - The Death Penalty
In this episode, Brady Randall, George Palombo, and Russ Brasher have a conversation about the death penalty, some of the different perspectives our culture and Christians have, what the Bible has to say about the topic, and more!
Our News Isn’t News to God
There have been many times in the past months when I have heard negative news and, in my mind, have momentarily panicked, thinking today’s news is also news to God. During this Lenten season, my hope is that you find God is closer than you think!
Perspectives Podcast - Wake Up Olive (Praying for Resurrection at Bethel Church
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Dan Shields, and Josiah Leuenberger have a conversation about a situation at Bethel Church where the congregation was praying for the resurrection of a little girl named Olive. They discuss the situation, how Christians should think about difficult situations like this, the theology behind their beliefs, and more!
What Should or Could We Be Doing During Lent?
Recent history has revealed that Evangelicals are not typically first in line to observe Lent, but there is biblical wisdom in setting aside times of special observance and dedication for our personal and corporate growth during the season of Lent leading up to Easter.
Perspectives Podcast - Working Remotely
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Josiah Leuenberger, John Wick have a conversation about working remotely, the positives and negatives, how it ties to the Christian faith, and more!
Perspectives Podcast - Spiritual Disciplines
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Dan Shields, and Emily Roberts have a conversation about spiritual disciplines, what disciplines they have found to be helpful in their Christian walk, how these things have changed over the course of their life, and more!
Perspectives Podcast - Prophecy in the Bible and Today
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Brady Randall, and Emily DeAngelo have a conversation about modern people who claim to be prophets, what the Bible has to say about prophets in the Bible and prophets today, how we should engage those who claim to be prophets, and more!
Refined by Christ
“I asked God: Why the cutting? Why the shaping? Why the sanding edges smooth? Why the growing and the pruning, and the constant tweak and tune? Then He answered: There are kingdoms rising, falling full of skewed and blurring lines. I’m not built to fit inside yours; you are made to fit in mine.”
Perspectives Podcast - Loan Forgiveness
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and John Wick have a conversation about the idea of loan forgiveness, what it means, what the Bible has to say about debt, and more!