Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen?
One question many people have thought about or are currently considering is: “If God is good, then why would he allow bad things to happen?” This is a difficult question to answer, and I know that no one will be able to provide you the perfect answer. But together we can explore how God works amid these situations to bring about His purposes.

Restored Relationships Through Jesus (Psalm 30 Devotional)
When an important relationship is strained, it is as if we are carrying around a heavyweight. Darkness looms and nothing in our life seems quite right. Our relationship with God is just like that. And He pursues us. He stands at the door and knocks. He seeks us even in our fallenness.

The Bread of Life in Afghanistan
During the past month of hearing about the atrocities in Afghanistan, I have daily prayed lines of scripture from Lamentations, a book of the Bible that is all about death, desolation, and devastation. But, in the middle of this Old Testament book, we are reminded of God’s love and His compassions, which never fail.

What is Bibliology and Why is it Important?
What is truth? How can we know anything for sure? Is the Bible the legitimate source of truth? Is it authoritative? Those questions fall under the category of the term bibliology which refers to the study of the nature of the Bible as Revelation.

Can We Use Worship Music from a Church We Disagree with Theologically?
As Christians, our worship is to be devoted to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. However, in the current world we live in, there are constantly people and products vying for our attention and ultimately our worship. Therefore, it is crucial that we constantly make sure that our worship is focused solely on the Lord.

The Lord Gives Strength and Blesses His People (Psalm 29 Devotional)
We live in the reality of a truly broken world. And we as humans are the biggest perpetrators of that brokenness. But listen to the words of the scriptures. As you read these, open your heart, put your faith in them. They are breathed from the very breath of God.

The Ark Encounter and the Importance of the Gospel
We recently took two of our grandsons to The Ark Encounter in Kentucky. The Ark represents the truth of the message of the Gospel. While every one of us is capable of wickedness and being a sinner, we can be declared righteous before our Holy Father God, through the “door” that is Jesus Christ.

What is Biblical Inerrancy and Why is it Important?
The Bible speaks of its truthfulness from early in the Old Testament, and Jesus affirmed the truthfulness of scripture at the time of his temptation in the New Testament. As His followers today, we can be confident in the truthfulness of scripture but must remain humble in our ability to interpret the Bible.

Trusting the Lord in Difficult Times (Psalm 28 Devotional)
There are times when we grow weary and weak at the fiery darts that are shot at us. We feel attacked, taken advantage of, just worn - like we can’t go on. The Bible says that our battle is against powers and principalities in heavenly places - we fight spiritual battles masking themselves as worldly battles.