Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Creativity and Innovation in Worship (Psalm 33 Devotional)
Throughout the ages, the church has been on the cutting edge of creativity in music and the arts. From Jubal, the first musician mentioned in the Bible, through David and Solomon, to the extraordinary music of Bach and the High Church age, followers of God have consistently innovated in music and the arts.
Answering God’s Calling Through Cancer Care Ministry
Cancer. We’ve seen the statistics and it is likely we have each felt cancer’s impact in some significant way; its reach is deep and wide. But where do we see God at work and how can we serve God in the midst of this grim reality?
Make Reading the Bible Part of Your New Year’s Resolution
The other day I read online that a recent poll of about 1000 people was conducted asking them what their New Year’s resolution will be. The highest answer and 44% of the results were health-related resolutions. But 29% of the resolutions centered around something related to a relationship with God.
Why is Jesus’ Birth so Important to Christians?
The reality of Christmas is astonishing if you think about it. The God of the universe became a human being. If you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a while, the reality of Christmas and the Incarnation may not hit you all that hard. But it is an essential part of God’s plan for the world.
What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Christianity?
Jesus was Jewish. Born into a Jewish family, He grew up going to the temple and reciting the scriptures from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. When we consider the differences between Judaism and Christianity, it is on the question of who was Jesus Christ that most Jews and Christians divide.
How God Teaches Us to be More Christ-like (Psalm 32 Devotional)
There is one trait that is perhaps the most important for a teacher. That they care about the student so much that they’ll do just about anything to get them to understand the material. The same is true of God.
Give Thanks in All Circumstances
Give thanks in all circumstances? Is that hard for anyone else? It’s a simple command and seems easy enough, but why is it so hard? I think it boils down and is linked to one simple thing. In order to give thanks, we must first remember.
What is Christology and Why is it Important?
Christology is the area of Christian belief concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our Christology matters because what we believe about Jesus forms the foundation for our Soteriology which is what we believe about how a person can receive forgiveness and new spiritual life.