Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Responding to Tragedy: A Christian Perspective
There are many different emotions that arise when reading the headline that, yet another school shooting occurred in Texas. I am reminded of a similar time in Jesus’ life and believe it gives insight on how we can navigate through tragedy and in turn respond to those around us.
Why is Jesus’ Ascension so Important?
Tim Keller suggests that Jesus’ ascension is typically misunderstood by many including the original disciples. Because of this misunderstanding, Christians will forget about the importance of this event even though this act of Jesus sets up the hope we have as believers of things to come.
10 Tips for Leading a Small Group
Can you remember how you felt on the first day of school? No matter what grade you were in there could be fear, excitement, angst, or an anticipation of the possibilities. Groups leaders can feel similar types of emotions when a new study starts so here are few tips to help you out!
Walk in the Light (Psalm 36 Devotional)
Have you ever been in complete darkness? The type where you can’t even see your hand in front of your face? Many of us have been in situations where we felt the darkness closing in, and we were not sure how to get out. But remember the light of the Lord.
What is Our Trust Rooted In?: Dealing with Life's Trials as a Christian
While I agree that it’s important to know what’s going on in the world, I also know how much the volume of these things affects my thinking. When we’re constantly bombarded by trials, sadness, and evil, it's easy to allow these things to consume our thinking and warp our view of God.
Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation | Book Review
Jesus promises that those who are willing to hear and keep the words of His love letter to His church will be blessed! Nancie Guthrie’s book, Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation, has helped me recognize the blessings of Jesus in the words of this prophecy.
How to Share the Light of God in a Dark World
It is said that it is easier to light a candle than to curse the darkness. That is true. And we know where light comes from. The Gospel of John calls Jesus the light of all lights. We are to let our light shine before others so that our good deeds may be seen and glorify our Father in heaven.
Rescue Me from these Lions (Psalm 35 Devotional)
The house of the Lord is a wonderful place of refuge in a world gone crazy. But what happens when the sanctuary becomes like this crazy world? The church is full of broken people; it is not a museum for saints but a hospital for sinners. So, how do we respond?
Hamartiology: The Doctrine of Sin Explained
Talking about sin these days seems old fashioned and out of touch. Who really wants to think about sin or being sinful? Hamartiology is the study of sin and deals with how sin originated, how it affects humanity, and how it was and will ultimately be defeated.