Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
Invest in the Imperishable (Psalm 49 Devotional)
We live in a society where people can live under the illusion of self-made security. Of course, everyone knows it’s all temporary. They know that one day they will die and leave it all behind. So, where or what should we be investing in?
“Spiritual, But Not Religious” Culture
There is a growing popularity of identifying with the phrase, “spiritual, but not religious” in our culture. The first challenge of this ideology is that it creates perceived common ground so long as the values of relative truth are upheld. So, how do we step into this conversation as a Christian?
Tell the Next Generation (Psalm 48 Devotional)
Christian parents often keep silent about the single most important aspect of their lives, their faith in Jesus Christ. But we are told to share our story and the tenets of the Christian faith with the next generation reminding them how salvation is achieved.
The Importance of Preaching God’s Truth to Yourself and Others
I am not a preacher, but I am preaching truth to myself these days! I’m not preaching carefully crafted sermons with three solid points and illustrated stories. Rather the message to myself is a simple truth about who God is and what that means for me today.
Why Every Christian (and Non-Believer) Should Join a Group
One of the best places to experience this mission being lived out at Orchard Hill is through Groups. In fact, the reason the ministry of Groups exists at Orchard Hill is to help people (both Christians and non-Christians) grow in community with God and others.
Church Words 101 - Sacrament
Few words carry as much weight and significance as the word "sacrament." The word finds its origins in the earliest centuries of church history. Sacraments have played a central role in Christian worship throughout the course of this history.
Biblical Wisdom that Comes from Age
In the book of Job, Job mocked his aged “counselors” for being older but not wise. “Is not wisdom found among the aged? "Does not life bring understanding?” Job asked. He then told them: “True wisdom and real power belong to God; from him we learn how to live, and also what to live for.”
Should Christian Students Attend a Christian College?
What’s next? This is the question every high school senior has to answer over the next several months. For many the prospect of college/university is probable, which lends itself to the question of whether a Christian student should attend a Christian college? The short answer, it depends.