Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

The Heart of a Father: A Meditation on Galatians 4
Though it might not seem out of place to those who have been Christians for a long time, to the outside world, one of the weirdest aspects of Christianity is the fact that we call God our Father. Using Galatians 4, let us meditate on the importance of knowing God as Father and as we do, I hope that it shows you the beauty of who God is and what He has done to adopt us into His family.

Why Should I Follow Jesus?: A Meditation on Romans 5:1-2
Through meditating on Romans 5:1-2, Jonathan Thiede answers the question, “Why Should I Follow Jesus?” by arguing for two concrete benefits. Peace with God and Access to a Father are both central to the longings of the human heart and are two things we have after being justified through faith.

Speaking the Truth in Love
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands his fellow Christians to lovingly speak truth to their fellow church members. So why does this matter and what might speaking the truth in love look like in a post-truth world where truth has become relative?