Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 106 - White Questions for a Black Man
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 106 - White Questions for a Black Man

This episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, sits down with John Fuller to have a conversation about the history of race relations in America from someone who grew up in the Jim Crow south, what has changed for the better, things that the country and individuals still need to work on, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 104 - Objections and the Abortion Debate
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 104 - Objections and the Abortion Debate

This episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, sits down with Life Stage Pastors, Emily DeAngelo and Josiah Leuenberger, to have a conversation about the abortion debate in our country, personal stories in relation to abortion, how to answer specific objections to choosing life over abortion, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 103 - Current Events and End Time Prophecy
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 103 - Current Events and End Time Prophecy

This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, and Middle School Ministry Leader, Jenette Cline, sit down to have a conversation about the end times, how current events are setting the stage biblical prophecy to be fulfilled, how we as Christians can remain unafraid in the midst of these events, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 102 - Evangelism vs. Discipleship
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 102 - Evangelism vs. Discipleship

This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Director of Student Ministry, Russ Brasher, and Director of Young Adult Ministry, Josiah Leuenberger, to have a conversation about the difference between evangelism and discipleship, how to balance pursing both as a christian in your personal life and as a church community, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 101 - Christian Apostasy in Worship Music
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 101 - Christian Apostasy in Worship Music

This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Orchard Hill Church Worship Leaders, David Bowens and Chris Jamison to have a conversation about Christian worship leaders walking away from the faith, why it happens, how they have struggled with similar questions about God, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 98 - Balancing Life vs. the Economy
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 98 - Balancing Life vs. the Economy

This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with Mike Hatch and Jenette Cline to have a conversation about how balance the idea of being safe from potential harm and keeping the economy of the country moving, how to assess levels of risk in our own lives, how we should think about these things as Christians, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 97 - Race: In Our Time (Explicit)
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 97 - Race: In Our Time (Explicit)

This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with George Palombo and Gene Boyer to have a conversation about racial tensions in the United States, the death of George Floyd, the concept of racial bias, how we as individuals and a church community can move towards change, and more!

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 94 - The Seven Churches of Revelation
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 94 - The Seven Churches of Revelation

This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with Josiah Leuenberger and George Palombo to talk about the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, what each letter was about, where the American church fits in, and which church in Revelation Orchard Hill can relate to the most.

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Ask a Pastor Ep. 87 - Should a Christian Sue Someone?
Podcast Ask a Pastor Podcast Ask a Pastor

Ask a Pastor Ep. 87 - Should a Christian Sue Someone?

This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman, and corporate attorney Krista Thompson sit down to have a conversation about if Christians should sue or bring lawsuits against other people and Christians, how to think about resolving problems with others, asking ourselves if we are seeking justice or retribution, and more!

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