Orchard Hill Church Blog

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Biblical Wisdom that Comes from Age
Christian Living Kay Warheit Christian Living Kay Warheit

Biblical Wisdom that Comes from Age

In the book of Job, Job mocked his aged “counselors” for being older but not wise. “Is not wisdom found among the aged? "Does not life bring understanding?” Job asked. He then told them: “True wisdom and real power belong to God; from him we learn how to live, and also what to live for.”

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Speaking the Truth in Love
Christian Living Emily DeAngelo Christian Living Emily DeAngelo

Speaking the Truth in Love

In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands his fellow Christians to lovingly speak truth to their fellow church members. So why does this matter and what might speaking the truth in love look like in a post-truth world where truth has become relative?

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What is Biblical Inerrancy and Why is it Important?
Doctrine Josiah Leuenberger Doctrine Josiah Leuenberger

What is Biblical Inerrancy and Why is it Important?

The Bible speaks of its truthfulness from early in the Old Testament, and Jesus affirmed the truthfulness of scripture at the time of his temptation in the New Testament. As His followers today, we can be confident in the truthfulness of scripture but must remain humble in our ability to interpret the Bible.

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Preparing for Easter: The Word of God
Easter Chris Jamison Easter Chris Jamison

Preparing for Easter: The Word of God

You may have heard it said that followers of Christ are in the world but not of the world. What this means is, through a relationship with Jesus Christ, we realize that this world is simply a stop on our way to the Kingdom of Heaven, our final destination.

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Preparing for Easter: Christ's Love for the Church
Easter JoAnn Adams Easter JoAnn Adams

Preparing for Easter: Christ's Love for the Church

John 17 is typically referred to as “Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer,” and in the section of the prayer we’re looking at today, Jesus prays for his disciples. After providing the Twelve with some of the most challenging and profound words He ever spoke to them, Jesus now prays to the Father for these friends He loves.

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