Orchard Hill Church Blog

Explore. Grow. Engage.

“Spiritual, But Not Religious” Culture
Culture Jonathan Thiede Culture Jonathan Thiede

“Spiritual, But Not Religious” Culture

There is a growing popularity of identifying with the phrase, “spiritual, but not religious” in our culture. The first challenge of this ideology is that it creates perceived common ground so long as the values of relative truth are upheld. So, how do we step into this conversation as a Christian?

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How our Theology Informs our Doxology
Worship Chris Jamison Worship Chris Jamison

How our Theology Informs our Doxology

Broadly speaking, a doxology is any song sung within a corporate worship setting since what we are doing as we stand, and sing is ascribing praise to God! As we sing, our hearts and our minds should be fully engaged with the words we are singing.

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What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Christianity?
Doctrine Emily DeAngelo Doctrine Emily DeAngelo

What’s the Difference Between Judaism and Christianity?

Jesus was Jewish. Born into a Jewish family, He grew up going to the temple and reciting the scriptures from the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. When we consider the differences between Judaism and Christianity, it is on the question of who was Jesus Christ that most Jews and Christians divide.

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Sex Isn't Enough - A Biblical Perspective on Sexuality
Culture Joel Haldeman Culture Joel Haldeman

Sex Isn't Enough - A Biblical Perspective on Sexuality

This week at the dinner table we were trying to explain to our kids where babies come from. Oy. Pray for us. This will be an interesting road! But the conversations are essential because we want our kids to catch a biblical perspective on sexuality, not a 2020 cultural perspective on sexuality. 

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Some Thoughts on Practical Worship
Christian Living David Bowens Christian Living David Bowens

Some Thoughts on Practical Worship

I can remember that for a large portion of my Christian walk, I believed that worship was a slow song during the “praise and worship” section of our services. I can also remember growing to believe it was more than just a song, it was anything that we did concerning Christ.

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