Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus | Song Analysis
When hymn writers of the 1800s paired theology with melody, music was created that can still be sung by church congregations today. In fact, we did this as a church recently when we sang for the first time, Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus, a song originally published in 1875.

5 Most Important Figures in Church History
To narrow this number to 5 seems a fool’s errand… because it is. That is probably why I was chosen for this blog post. I would liken it to climbing a tree with thousands of branches and attempting to arrive at the top utilizing only five of them.

Church Words 101 - Propitiation
I was fifteen years old when I first heard the word, “Propitiation.” You can imagine my face as the man who was discipling me broke it down syllable by syllable. Today we will be taking a dive into this word, discovering what it means, why it matters, and how we can take the concept to heart.

Speaking the Truth in Love
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands his fellow Christians to lovingly speak truth to their fellow church members. So why does this matter and what might speaking the truth in love look like in a post-truth world where truth has become relative?

Boast in the Lord (Psalm 44 Devotional)
We live in a boastful society. People boast about just about everything. The Bible has some harsh things to say about those who boast. Humility is a touted attribute in those who call on the name of the Lord. But we are also called to boast. It’s the object of our boasting that is different though.