Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 91 - Living and Working at Home with Young Kids
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund connects online with Russ and Lyndsay Brasher to talk about how the coronavirus has impacted life with young kids, how to balance working and living at home, things this time has caused you to think differently about, and more!

Alive and Active: Studying the Book of Acts in Isolation
As everything around me has become increasingly inactive due to COVID-19, I have come to realize just how important the word of God is in my own personal life. I decided that I would start reading the book of Acts during my quiet time. Here is how the Lord spoke to me through the Word.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 90 - Connection & Care During Forced Family Time
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Faith Bjorklund sit down to have a conversation about navigating this time as a family, things that have been good or bad, and more!

The Perpetual New Kid
When I was in Jr. High my family moved from the town in which I grew up to a new one, far away. I did not know anyone there. No one knew me. It is weird to be the new kid. And you know what? There is a sense in which being a Christian in this world can make a person feel like the perpetual new kid.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 89 - Realities of the Coronavirus and How God is Working
This episode Dr. Kurt Bjorklund and Chief of Emergency Medicine Services at UPMC Passavant, Dr. John Landis, get together online to talk about how God is working on the front lines of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Pittsburgh.

God is our Refuge (Psalm 16 Devotional)
We have no promise for tomorrow. We have no promise for our next breath. We have no promise that life will be easy. Scripture is clear that the opposite will often be true. But we have a God Who can protect us and shelter us, in Whom we can find our only true security.

Preparing for Easter: Waiting on the Lord
I do not know about you, but I hate waiting. I think Americans in general hate waiting… and for the most part we expect not to wait. Sometimes we are forced to wait for things that are outside of our ability to control. But some of the things we wait for are far more profound, and perhaps even life changing.

Preparing for Easter: Christ's Sacrifice for All
Matthew 27:32-56, to this day, still brings me back to the night I accepted Christ. It does not matter how many times I have read this passage, how many times I have preached on it, sat in rooms, and listened to others share about it. The passage, every single time, reminds me of two things.

Preparing for Easter: Humility & Glory
This week, we remember the ultimate sacrifice of our Redeemer. It is only because of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, that holy justice could be meted out, and that like Dusty Miller in the Burmese Jungle, a life was taken that a life might be gained.

Preparing for Easter: Grace
The ministry of Christ really has a lot to do with pointing out how everybody messes up. When I read Peter’s story in Matthew 26, I see the reality of the gospel of Christ. Jesus knew why He had to come to earth – to save sinners who would deny knowing Him in His darkest night.

Preparing for Easter: Christ's Faithfulness
How easy it is to be faithful to God when things are as we want? How easy it is to seek God when things are going our way? How hard it is to have faith when we face something that is not merely unpleasant but painful and hard?

Learning to Lead like Jesus (Boyd Bailey) | Book Review
I started this book on a quest to improve my leadership skills but also discovered along the way that learning about Jesus’ traits will help me to not only be a better leader, but help me to be a better person by growing in the likeness of Christ.

Diversity and the Church
The Church is unlike any other group of people. But here’s the problem: The Church can be like any other group of people. It’s our human tendency to seek connection with those who are “like us.” If you are a follower of Jesus, can you see this tendency in yourself? I see it in myself.

Preparing for Easter: God's Provision
As we all find ourselves in uncharted waters, in exile as it were, prevented from partaking of what we became so familiar with, I think it would be wise to remember what Israel did in times of exile.

Preparing for Easter: Worship
Life has become magnified in the past month; our daily schedules and priorities have changed. But when we remember or see for the first time that life is not about us but about God’s desire for us to know Him, this Lenten season becomes even more magnified. Life is short and God is all we need.

Preparing for Easter: Trust in the Lord
Psalm 121 starts with a question: “Where does my help come from?” With this statement, the writer expresses a feeling that every person can identify within our own times of struggle. As human beings, we tend to look to man and seek help from sources that we can see, or by what we can gain for ourselves. But Psalm 121 offers us a different perspective.