Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.
The Battlefronts of Our Souls (Psalm 39 Devotional)
The reality is since the fall of mankind, sin has been crouching at all our doors. Sin wants to destroy us. There are 3 primary battlefronts of our souls: the devil, the world system, and the flesh. So how do we fight on these three fronts?
We are Never Alone with God
Fears and loneliness can go hand-in-hand when we are bombarded with constant bad news. Our emotions can resemble one of those waving tube men at car lots, but we need to remember where God is in all the bad news we read. He is with us every step of the way.
Genres of Biblical Literature and How to Study Them
Understanding an overview of each type of literature in the Scriptures is essential for understanding what the human author, and ultimately the Divine Author meant and means for us today.
Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church Explained
What is the church? Is it a building? Is it a collection of like-minded people? A combination of both? These are common and very valid questions that may leave you with a variety of different answers, depending on who you ask.
What KidsFest Means to Me
When thinking about KidsFest, many fun and exciting things come to mind. Maybe it’s the waterslides, the unreal energy during club, or even just the hundreds of kids we have the opportunity to share the gospel with. It can be agreed that nothing quite compares to KidsFest.
Confession, Forgiveness, and Worship (Psalm 38 Devotional)
Guilt can be powerful in our lives. It is good in that it should lead us to recognize our sin, acknowledge it before God, confess it to Him, and receive forgiveness that was paid for on Calvary. But once we confess, God is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.
What is a Woman?: A Christian Perspective
“What is a Woman?” seems to be the current cultural question of the day since the release of the Daily Wire’s documentary. In this film, experts are interviewed to answer this single question, and repeatedly the “gender-affirming” doctors, therapists, and activists fail to define womanhood. Why?
Anthropology: The Doctrine of Man Explained
Anthropologists have been studying and exploring the essence of mankind for as long as mankind has been around so there is obviously neither time nor room in this short treatment to cover such a broad topic comprehensively. So… what is man?
3 Tips for New Worship Leaders
In some ways all Christians are worship leaders but today I want to focus on the individuals tasked with leading the team of musicians and the congregation through the songs we sing each week. So, if you are an aspiring worship leader, here are three tips that may be helpful in your journey.
Man’s Steps are Established by the Lord (Psalm 37 Devotional)
When I was a young musician, I’d decided that I was going to move to Nashville. It was the hub of Christian music. But just before I made the move, I got a job offer from a church that I’m still serving at today. Though I had a plan, God led me in a different direction.