Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Speaking the Truth in Love
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands his fellow Christians to lovingly speak truth to their fellow church members. So why does this matter and what might speaking the truth in love look like in a post-truth world where truth has become relative?

Boast in the Lord (Psalm 44 Devotional)
We live in a boastful society. People boast about just about everything. The Bible has some harsh things to say about those who boast. Humility is a touted attribute in those who call on the name of the Lord. But we are also called to boast. It’s the object of our boasting that is different though.

Students and the Digital Missions Field
In a world that is becoming more consumed by screens and social media, it may seem like we have only two options, abandon or conform. That today’s students need to either be completely disconnected from social media or have free range, but what if there was a God-honoring third option?

Why Does God Test Us?
Why does God test us? We cannot give an answer to this particular question without each of us personally answering a few other questions first. So, let's explore this commonly asked question together by looking at some Biblical examples.

Be a Skillful Worshiper (Psalm 47 Devotional)
Whatever we do as our vocation, we are called to do it with excellence. We are to do all things as unto the Lord, regardless of whether we like our company or the work, whether our boss is kind, unkind, competent, or incompetent.

Tips for Daily Devotionals in 2023
My own personal time with God has ebbed and flowed over the years as I’ve experienced everything from deep intimacy with God to dryness and boredom. Rather than adding one more thing to your “to-do” list, I want to share some helpful tips for getting the most out of your daily time with God.

Jesus Loves Yinz
One of the things most endearing to me about Pittsburgh is its unique language of Pittsburghese. By merely hearing it, you are part of Pittsburgh’s family of shared secrets, and a bond is formed. The love of God isn’t bound by the language you speak, even Pittsburghese!

Cease Your Striving (Psalm 46 Devotional)
Sometimes we forget what Christ really did for us on Calvary. We often, once we are saved and God begins the process of sanctification in us, confuse our works with Christ’s finished work. We begin to think that our right standing before God is based on our works.

Considerations and Encouragement for 2023
A new year can bring a mixed bag of emotions. Some view it as an opportunity to make some needed changes. Others may not feel as optimistic. Whichever of these categories you find yourself in, I want to provide you with some encouragement and a few things to consider as we come into a new year.