Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Breaking Free: A Biblical Approach to Addiction Recovery Through Covenantal Apologetics
Jake Williams explores how we can experience true freedom from addiction through a biblical, covenantal approach that goes beyond traditional treatment methods. Discover how the church can effectively address substance dependence by applying the Ten Tenets of Covenantal Apologetics, offering hope and transformation through God's truth rather than relying solely on secular solutions.

Speaking the Truth in Love
In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul commands his fellow Christians to lovingly speak truth to their fellow church members. So why does this matter and what might speaking the truth in love look like in a post-truth world where truth has become relative?

Youth Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide from Isolation: A Christian Response
Man cannot thrive in lonely isolation. Made in the image of God, man was created for community. Social distancing in our day has led to widening socials gaps and one of those glaring gaps has been among the youth. As believers, how are we to respond?