Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Perspectives Podcast - Making Idols of Health and Beauty
In this episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Mike Hatch, and Emily DeAngelo sit down to have a conversation about making idols of health and beauty, what the Bible says about the idols we have in our life, what we can do about it, and more!

Perspectives Podcast: Public vs. Private vs. Homeschooling
In this episode, Emily DeAngelo, Jenette Cline, and Mike Hatch have a conversation about the differences (good and bad) between public school, private school, and homeschooling. They discuss their own experiences with each and how Christians should think about the topic of educating their children.

What Jesus Really Said about Social Justice and Economics | Book Review
Jerry Bowyer’s new book, “The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice & Economics,” is an eye-opening economic commentary on Jesus’ teaching based on where he was geographically. He successfully rebuts liberation theologians who peddle Marxism by hijacking Jesus’ teaching and caricaturing him as a poor peasant.

Empowered Manhood (Part 2)
Hiding in the dark, whether it was by myself or with someone else, gave me permission to do things I would never consider doing in the light which caused me to live my life out of the fear of being found out, handicapping my faith. But men living empowered by the light have three characteristics in their relationship with God.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 103 - Current Events and End Time Prophecy
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, and Middle School Ministry Leader, Jenette Cline, sit down to have a conversation about the end times, how current events are setting the stage biblical prophecy to be fulfilled, how we as Christians can remain unafraid in the midst of these events, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 102 - Evangelism vs. Discipleship
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Director of Student Ministry, Russ Brasher, and Director of Young Adult Ministry, Josiah Leuenberger, to have a conversation about the difference between evangelism and discipleship, how to balance pursing both as a christian in your personal life and as a church community, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 101 - Christian Apostasy in Worship Music
This episode, Life Stage Pastor, Mike Hatch, sits down with Orchard Hill Church Worship Leaders, David Bowens and Chris Jamison to have a conversation about Christian worship leaders walking away from the faith, why it happens, how they have struggled with similar questions about God, and more!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 98 - Balancing Life vs. the Economy
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund sits down with Mike Hatch and Jenette Cline to have a conversation about how balance the idea of being safe from potential harm and keeping the economy of the country moving, how to assess levels of risk in our own lives, how we should think about these things as Christians, and more!

Preparing for Easter: God's Provision
As we all find ourselves in uncharted waters, in exile as it were, prevented from partaking of what we became so familiar with, I think it would be wise to remember what Israel did in times of exile.

Busting the Myth of "Life Balance"
Without a doubt, one of the most common challenges I hear has to do with finding “life-balance.” Many of us try again and again to achieve this elusive goal. Allow me to relieve your anxiety and boldly proclaim that life balance is a myth!

Ask a Pastor Ep. 79 - Can Christians Use Marijuana?
This episode, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Joel Haldeman and Mike Hatch sit down to have a conversation about the topic of marijuana usage, if Christians should use it and what the bible has to say about being not being mastered by anything.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 72 - Spiritual Warfare, Satan's Power, Religion vs. Faith
This episode Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Director of Men's Ministry, Mike Hatch, about the topic of spiritual warfare, the power that Satan has, and the difference between religion and faith.

The Value of Our True Identity
I have two quarters that I keep in my pocket to remind me of a significant truth about our identity in Christ as Christians. The face value of these quarters is the same, but their essence is completely different. They differ dramatically in true value.

You Think That's Funny!?
What does your sense of humor tell you about yourself? When I can't see the humor in life around me it usually means I'm either too prideful or struggling with shame.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 55 - Fear, Healthy Marriages, Church Gender Demographics
This episode our Strip District Campus Pastor, Joel Haldeman, talks with Life Stage Pastor and Director of Men's Ministry, Mike Hatch, about fear, healthy marriages, and church gender demographics.

Why God Loves Entrepreneurs
I know, I know, this may strike some as a little odd, but I have never been more convinced of this truth than now. I love their passion, their purpose, and their focus in working to impact the community and embrace the redemptive power of capitalism.

Is Profit Evil?
This may seem like a strange question to some, but this was something I personally struggled with for a while without realizing it, but in the last year, the Bible has taught me that profit is a very good thing.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 40 - Spiritual Gifts
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Life Stage Pastor and Director of Men's Ministry, Mike Hatch about a few questions surrounding spiritual gifts.

Notre Dame Pales in Comparison to God's True Temples
All eyes have been on Paris this week, with the devastating fire that has recently destroyed much of the Notre Dame Cathedral. As significant as the cathedral has been for nearly 800 years, this unfortunate event serves as a reminder that our hope does not reside in a building or objects regarded a “holy”.

Ask a Pastor Ep. 32 - God's Will, OT vs. NT God, Book of Revelation
This episode our Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, talks with Director of Men's Ministry, Mike Hatch, about God's will, how God in the Old Testament is different from the New Testament and what the Book of Revelation is all about.