Orchard Hill Church Blog
Explore. Grow. Engage.

Don’t Forget the Beginners in Faith
Last year I took a painting class for beginners. As it turned out, I was the only “beginner” in the class of fifteen students. That experience was a reminder of those who attend church for the first time.

Perspectives Podcast - When Christian Leaders Fall
In this episode Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund has a conversation with Joel Haldeman & Kay Warheit about when Christian leaders fall, how Christians and non-Christians should think about leadership failures, what the role of grace, restoration, and forgiveness is for leaders, and more!

Culture Care (Makoto Fujimura) | Book Review
In his book, Culture Care, Makoto Fujimura presents a solution to our dissatisfaction with today's culture, which is to nourish culture’s soul by raising up those who by their Christ-given creativity introduce both beauty and healing through art.

Distinct from the World? – Finding Our Identity in Christ
“Sure, he’s a Christian, but did you hear what he said?” These words were spoken about me several months ago. I don’t remember exactly what I said that merited this critique, but when I heard my coworker’s remark, I recognized a sobering reality: I forgot my true identity in Christ.

Perspectives Podcast - Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement
In this episode Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, has a conversation with Josiah Leuenberger, Dr. Terry Thomas, Brad Frey, and Doug Bradbury to have a conversation about the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in America, the difference between the movement and the organization, how Christians can affirm the phrase "black lives matter" while rejecting the worldview of the organization, and more.

Power in Light of Eternity (Psalm 21 Devotional)
Since the dawn of civilization, societies have admired those who have strength and power. But considering eternity, how important is this? What does it really mean to win the Super Bowl, or get to the top of the ladder in business? The perspective of time often helps.

Perspectives Podcast - Christians in Politics
In this episode, Senior Pastor, Dr. Kurt Bjorklund, Butler County Campus Pastor, Brady Randall, and Life Stage Pastor, George Palombo, have a discussion about politics with the coming election in November, what it looks like to engage in politics as a Christian, and how our Biblical worldview should inform how we vote.

Dealing with Doubt in Your Faith
I was recently asked the question, “When your Christian faith is threatened by serious and painful doubts, what do you do about it?” At first, I wanted to simply give some Christian cliché answer that I knew would properly answer the question, but this question forced me to pause and think.